Veerle Banks

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Veerle Banks is a Female Eldian hailing from Stohess, the Eastern district of wall Sheena.

Veerle Banks is a Young Adult, around 18-25 years of age. She conscripted into the Stationary Guard when she was of age after she learned about the loss of the Shiganshina District and the breach of wall Maria.

Veerle Banks had obtained the rank of Lance Corporal with extensive combat knowledge and tactics before she subsequently deserted the Eldian military upon her discovery of her ability to titan shift. She survives on her own, moving from either district to district, inhabiting the towns and/or cities in between the walls, or completely beyond the walls, preference varies. She remains a neutral force, yet favors the Eldian side of conflicts.

Veerle Banks' attire consists of regulatory Omni-Directional Movement straps as well as a grey long sleeved shirt she used to wear under her Garrison uniform. She does posses a set of ODM Gear.

She is much more casual than one would assume but she doesn't let someone think twice about her as she's very intelligent and will be quite blunt if she needs to be. But otherwise she can be a decently chill woman to hang around.

She has one defining feature about her attire though, upon her right shoulder, her shirt bears this symbol.

She has one defining feature about her attire though, upon her right shoulder, her shirt bears this symbol

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Her appearance is as seen below.

And her unique Titan is shown below as well

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And her unique Titan is shown below as well. Her titan is yet to be named officially.

 Her titan is yet to be named officially

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She has various items upon her person. Some have been listed before.

She currently poses:

x1 Musket and assorted ammo

x1 Bayonet for her musket

A multitude of concealed blades for shifting purposes

x1 Set of Omni-Directional Movement Gear and assorted gas and blades set in different hideouts of her's.


None of these pictures, aside from the symbol presented first belong to me.

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