Untitled Part 2

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Lizzie's pov

Hi, I'm Elizabeth potter but people just call me Lizzie. I'm 9 years old. I'm Harry Potter twin sister, yeah I know THE Harry Potter twin sister but I think I might be more powerful then my brother. 

Yeah i know crazy!! But before you say anything else hear me out. When Voldemort attack our home at Godric Hallow's where Voldemort hit me and harry with the killing curse Voldemort's parseltongue power transferred to harry while Voldemort's sorcerer power transferred to me.  I also have some other powers like having clones which is very useful on a daily basis. I'm also a animagus somehow and Minnie (mcgonnagal)thinks it's from my dad.

So since I was seven I have been training with Dumbledore. It takes me 2 years to finish what most people accomplish in 7 years. Cool right! I used the advantage of my clones to be an actress. I also sign up for tons of classes like piano, gymnastics, karate, and skateboarding.

 Also, not to mention I'm friends with the best people in the world. The pevensie. There's Peter the oldest and the one I'm most close with, he's also the same age as me. Then there Susan the most matured of all of them, it's nice to have a girl friend. Then there's Edmund he can be quite moody sometimes. And the last one, Lucy the sweetest of them all. She's just 4 with a big imagination like dragons, mermaids and other magical creatures [i wonder how she will react if she found's out those creatures are real]. 

Now let's talk about my other friends, you see I have my little friends group. And that group consists of me, peter, louis, cassie. Louis is the clown of the group, he always know how to make things less serious and THE MOST layback person I have ever met. Now, on to Cassie or as we call her cas. Cas is a very sweet girl. She always has this kind personality we all envy. And we all know louis has a crush on her.

 I think that's enough about my best friends, let's talk about harry. Harry is alright, still had to do chores aunt petunia told him to and get beaten up with uncle Vernon. Despite all of that, Harry didn't get bullied with Dudley at school because one day I had enough of him and beat his a$$ out!! I also threaten to beat him unconscious and leave him on the street all alone if he tells uncle Vernon, not that I'm scared of him. I can simply use magic the make them explode, but Dumbledore told me to only used it when needed.

Now, let's talk about my powers. When I was 7 Hagrid come pick me up under Dumbledore's order as I mentions before. After that, Dumbledore explains to me about the Wizarding World and my powers. Now you may be wondering how i have clones, it just came, i don't know how to explain it! So I mastered my clone first, and I sorta take advantage of it, by it I mean telling them to do all mine and Harry's chores. So whenever I had class, one of my clones transformed into my mother using a spell Dumbledore created based on the descriptions and pictures given to me by Dumbledore to make it look like I had a mother not just some orphan who is actually from another world that is full of magic and getting abuse by her aunt and uncle.

Know I'm not sure you notice, but I had mentioned of me becoming an actress. I have stared in many different show and movies like my latest on the Adams family. I'm probably the only British actor in the movie. Ive also did some modelling like Kids London Model Agency and alphabet Kidz LTD.its pretty hectic trying to juggle all those classes, school and my cereer while not letting the Dursley found out.So now you know the basic lets get on with the story......

Did you guys like the stories. Because i have a lot more ideas for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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