"Moondo" A Man On A "MISSION"

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  • Dedicated to Lisa Smith

I'm on a "Mission", a "Mission" to wake people up to realize their, "GREATNESS WITHIN". We walk around  everyday doing the same ole thing: Family, Work and School and Sleeping our lives away. Then all over again the next day. When do we smell the roses or is their any roses to smell?, "For Real"!!!. When do we go on that exotic vacation or answer the door and you just won the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes. I'm not waiting on these blissful surprises, I'm creating a positive road to "SUCCESS". It's called "POSITIVE MENTAL THINKING FOR YOU"!!! I found the garden and I'm smelling the roses "Now", as I travel the road to "SUCCESS", only God knows the destination Spot. Spreading  Positive Messages has afforded me "GREAT & POSITIVE PEOPLE IN MY LIFE!!!. My home life is not always "Perfect" but I'm grateful for the family I been "BLESSED" with. Accepting where you are is the first chess piece to your road of "SUCCESS". People think failing or making mistakes are bad for you. I've learned, the more mistakes you make, makes you smarter to what not to do. We all make mistakes but mistakes are life lessons to teach you and  others the pit-falls of life. Positivity is a infectious drug. The more positive you think, the more positive outcomes in your life. I'm on a road called Destination for Success and it's a road full of twist, turns, and un-even bumps. I don't know what's down the road but I'm traveling at a slow rate of speed and steady pace to a life of "Paradise". No overnight or fly by night magic tricks here!!! but a long road to travel to accomplish my "Goals", I've set for my life. One thing I will tell others when I get there. "IT'S NOT EASY!!!!. I have great admiration for those who have "SUCCEEDED" In Life. Working towards your "DREAMS" is a big and monumental feat but it is attainable. I been lied to, lead down a road and left in the woods and had to find my way out, promised the sky and the moon and all I got was a shooting star!!!. I had people to jump on board and when I looked the other way, they got off at the other intersection and I didn't know they were gone. I waited on those who sold me a "DREAM" and it turned to be a "NIGHT-MARE"!!!. "Guess what", I'm still Growing and Learning, as I travel my road to make my "DREAMS" Come True!!!. Success is not alway's fame and fortune. Success is setting a goal and finishing a task you set for your life, no matter how hard or what obstacles stood in your way. You found a way to make it happen, even when finishing looked so bleak or writing a million dollar check and hoping it cash at the bank. We have focused so much on money ,cars, homes and other monetary things that we have forgotten about working hard and earning a days wage!!!. I have surrounded myself with great people with a positive attitudes and a great outlook on life. They feed me wisdom, vision and caution and protects me from harms way. You couldn't ask for a more loyal and faithful team. I depend on them, to tell me the truth and not blow smoke up my ?!!!. As many knows of my story about Mr. Goldman, at moondoworld.com you can read, I call him my White Surrogate Father. He's not embarrassed of me calling him that but he just laugh's and say's "That's Moondo" !!!.  Mr.Goldman is a white Jewish man, who gave me my first medical job back in 1994. We are still connected today with MoondoWorld & MoondoWear Clothing Line. What  incredible loyalty and a family bond we have created. He doesn't claim me a his son but I claim him as my "White Surrogate Father"!!!. He said he will only claim me, when I make a 'MILLION DOLLARS", Ha Ha Ha!!!! Find and surround yourself with positive people no matter what race, creed or color . I found throughout my life, people are people and we all have issues and junk in our trunks. We all strive to become better people everyday. When you see someone struggling to succeed in life. Share your wisdom, time or money to those in need. You may discover a gem under all that dirt and grime!!!. "Moondo Is On The Rise" and "The Sky Is the Limit Unless You Limit Yourself"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--------- 

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