Part 92

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" I want to tell Di and jiju first before anyone else" said Naira moving towards the garden and Kartik followed her.

"Di" called out Naira. Nandini opened her eyes and looked at her. Both Manik and Nandini got up from the swing and moved towards the two.

"What happened?" asked Manik looking at the two of them.

"We have decided that we will file for divorce but we will look after the children together" said Kartik.
Both Nandini and Manik were shocked. She looked at Naira.

"And what do you two think? It would be easy to be parents to your children without being husband and wife?" asked Manik

"You know what you two are egoistic and hot headed. This is the only sole problem" said Nandini glaring at the two as they looked at her confused.

"I mean how can anyone be this selfish. I doubt if you two were even in a relationship to be honest. Despite of being in a love marriage, you two lack basic trust for one another. Just look at each other and ask yourself if you will be able to live without each other. Or to be precise, will you two be happy apart? "

Kartik and Naira looked at each other with tearful eyes as Nandini continued

"Kartik, you will divorce her fine then you will marry someone else , have kids with her phir uske baad? How will you be there for these kids of yours? You will have your family with someone else, naira you will have your family with someone else aur vo do bacche, what about their family? Who will they call their parents? Are you two seriously adults?" Nandini vent out all her questions fiercely and stopped when Manik asked her to calm down through his eyes. He held her hands and looked at Kartik and Naira who already were looking at each other

"Guys, just think again . All of us are inside. Come in and tell us your decision. We are waiting and this would be final. No one would say anything now" said Manik and moved inside the house with Nandini.

Kartik and Naira were still in thoughts.

"Kartik, Di was not wrong. You will move on at some point, have your own family.."

"I won't Naira" said Kartik looking elsewhere and Naira sat speechless . 

"Sorry, yeah so hmm . Naira I know I was wrong but so were you. Both of us were. Our ego intervened , both of us did not put in efforts which a relationship requires. I would like to apologize . I am sorry but I want to give us a chance" said Kartik looking in her eyes. His words were genuine

"Kartik, I agree both of us were wrong, we should have talked. Lets talk and work it out. Though,I will take some time cause you hurt me bad and so will you cause I did too. Lets try" said Naira with a small smile.

The two agreed to work on  their relationship for the sake of their babies and somewhere for themselves as well.


"Both of you have behaved very immaturely to be honest. Just remember that now it is not about you too only. Use your brains okay?" said Nyonika to the two of them who nodded at her

"Fine then, Nandini we are going home, you are coming?" asked Nyonika

"Haan mom you guys go, I and Nandini would come soon" said Manik. He knew she needed some time with her family not only because Naira and Kartik were home but also because she herself was at her home after a while. She used to be busy mostly and then the Bali trip. Nandini smiled at him thanking him . Nyonika nodded and all the Malhotras went back home.

"Naira go in your room and rest and Kartik.." Ishita was about to ask Kartik to use the guest room

"No I am okay, I had to leave LA urgently and so my work there is haulted.I have a flight in an hour so I would be going" said Kartik . Naira looked at him from the corner of her eye and he was already looking at her.

"I would come too" said Naira

"Are you sure?" asked Abhimanyu

"Yes bhai, now that we have decided to give our relationship a chance, we need to begin somewhere" said Naira as the others passed her a smile

Naira and Kartik soon left for LA. Nandini was hesitant , too much travelling was not safe for Naira but she had to go there eventually some day.

"Mom,Papa I am sorry" said Nandini looking at Raman and Ishita who smiled at her. Raman took her in a hug kissing her forehead . The hug was soon joined by Ishita and Abhimanyu. Nandini was relieved now and it showed on her face. She smiled in Raman's chest . Manik was standing at a distance admiring all of them and his wife and her smile which he witnessed after a long time. Nandini looked at him as he smile grew wider and she opened her arms for him to join them.

Things were finally settling in, or maybe not?

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