Chapter 1-Birthday

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A new laptop, all I wanted for my seventeenth birthday was a new laptop. Because all I have is an old PC that shuts down if it is unplugged for five minutes.

Now, on April 15, it is my seventeenth birthday. The black alarm clock that sat on my bedside table read 9:10am. I was debating wether to get up, go downstairs, or wait another five minutes. I rolled over and pretended I was sleeping.

A knock on my door. A light tap, must of been my younger sister. "Alex! Alex! Get up its your birthday!" She hopped onto my king-sized bed. "UGHHH." I groaned. "Get up! We have a present for you!" My younger sister, Eleanor, or Ellie, as she prefers, hit my back.

I finally got up and walked downstairs. My mom and dad sat around the table with four neatly wrapped presents. One had purple wrapping paper, another with green polka dots, the third one with butterfly's, which probably was from Ellie, and the last one from my parents, gold wrapping paper.

Almost about the exact size of the laptop I had wanted.


I kept eyeing the golden-wrapped box while I ate my chocolate chip pancakes. "Mommy!" Ellie looked at our mom. "Yes, dear?" My mom grabbed my plate and put another pancake on it.

After pancakes, they finally let me open up my gifts. Ellie handed me the butterfly wrapped gift, and I smiled as I unwrapped it. Some clothes and a gift card.

After three, my parents finally let me open the golden wrapped one.

"Well?" Mom looked at me.

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