SamYU timeline and links

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7/9/20 - auditioned with Sam free Sparring. Sam was fierce. Scared YU.

8/12/20 -
YU album press conference. His Dad made a voice recording.

8/28/20 - Mint interview while cooking. YU looked quite sexy with his outfit and apron. Drank wine while cooking.

9/1/20-fans caught Sam outside

9/11/20 - watched Your Name Engraved Herein with casts & Director minus Sam
Actor training course for casts of WBL

10/5/20 - Press conference. All casts. Sam in gray suit white shirt inside. They were told that they are too stiff during pictures that Sam carried YU like a bride. He then asked YU "You have fallen in love with me huh?" Wherein YU hit Sam's chest while giggling. This is a press introduction of WBL. SamYU looks comfortable with each other wherein when Sam teases YU, YU will hit him playfully. When YU was explaining how they built their relationship YU said Sam is a considerate boy. Sam replied by saying he is a man, YU corrected himself saying "yeah a macho/big man". A clip for this event:

10/18/20 - fans of YU, Ritchie and Sam sent food truck at location to feed staff.

11/5/20 - finished filming - 35 days (per producer & staff interview) of filming this means filming started Oct 1 - Sams birthday???? Need to check this

11/10/20 - YU's first fan meeting. Belle attended (YU's love interest in WBL S1) YU danced.

12/21/20 - WBL premier at a theater. Sam in pastel colored long sleeve shirt. Very distant to YU. No flirting at all. Distant But honestly answered question about how he felt while filming and after filming was done. RayTian and SamYu were interviewed this same day too about WBL. Sam not affectionate at all and even set up YU about having experience relationship before. I find this as Sams manifestation of his attempt to leave the character already. Served food after the event and he stayed far from YU. YU left alone at the end of serving line next to Tian. Sam was in between Evan and Ray. actual video of this is (not entire thing tho)
a fan cam

1/6 or 7/21 - WBL promotion event. Fans and press present. A lot of questions about Sam's gf that he answered most of them. He hugged YU saying he is his new BF. YU asked "I am all that you need right?" Sam responded with "Yes. Even though you didn't protect me". He told press if they continue asking him about his gf he will kiss YU right there. (Sam meant YU to help him out with GF questions from press) Sam looks bulky during this time. Sam cringed when CP things are to be done. At one point he cringed so bad YU ran to Richie and hugged Richi's waist. Sam exhibited dismay when YU was clinging on Richard. YU posted SamYU pix on his IG same day saying "you are so handsome" YU looked like he just cried in that pix even tho he was smiling. Videos for this event:

Rok tech streaming device promotional video that is so cute:

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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