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She was walking down the lane in 4 in morning with a mini purse hanged along her hand and another finger leaning over her hair adjust them away from her face.

She uppered her glaze for once at the sky with a little innocent smile playing along her lips - chahe duniya ke haar kone mai insan ek jaisa naah ho, par yeh asman ek jaisa jarur hota ha...

As stopped at her serene place, full heartedly glazing at the dawning stars in the wait of beautiful tomorrow.

Her heart was feeling another kind of relief reaching this  small yet beautiful country Amsterdam with zillions of small village outlets there.

As she sat down on the dry grass, she suddenly heard a mild breathing sound from a certain distance making her aware of someone else, she stepped back & shouted - anyone's there?

But no one replied, the girl quickly pushed her leather jacket aside and loaded her gun carefully taking steps near the sound!

As her steps passes by, the sound started getting more evident and louder - listen I'm here to help please, try to reply other wise I won't be able to locate you, She said in very confident voice

But somehow even her mind knew an injured person won't be make a clearer sound that his hovering breathing.

Till then a magical reply happened with a deep manly voice - ru..n...aw...ay othe...rwi..se the..y will..kill you..too...

She heard the voice and unknowingly paused for a while as her mind thought - hot, His voice is so deep and dominating even if he is near to death, She definetely needs to meet him now.

But the voice shouted again this time with a milder tone - I said get out I don't need any one's misery or help...
Get the fuck... out of here... This time it was no stammering it was full with anger and hatred which could be most probably towards himself of world?

But you think this could stop Karishma's vigilant mind?
Never, this time she was able to locate the exact position of the deepest hot voice within a second and ran down the beach line.

And as she went closer to the voice his breath were becoming irregular maybe he is about die! Which made her ran out to her toppest speed down to grassy land where a  man was laying with a blood oozing out of his chest...

Let me count 1, 2, 3 n+!  Oh got these many shots?
Karishma kneeled down to the level of man and was continuously glazing at his chest as she removed his shirt with thinking mind - 3 shots, one on abdomen..One below neck and another on arm..

Man hissed with a breaking tone - you like it, haan?
She didn't uppered her glaze, and starting searched something inside her pocket
As the man continued - I feel you are a doctor and might be searching for a scalpel?

Making her stop and look into his eyes, finally she notices his face. Fairly tan skin he had with a big black brows with a cool frown.

Why the men with a that bold eyebrows aren't ban in town?
But the playful smile on Man's face took her out from her dream land as he spoke - right pocket of my Jean...

Karishma looks at him with a disgusted look - what?
Man shakes his head with an jerky expression - stupid doctor... He shouted at her at his toppest voice, making a channel of blood ooze out of his abdomen as he takes started taking shallower breathes.

My... rig...ht poc...ket has.. a scalpel..he said with all his loosen energy & faded face.

She immediately puts her hand inside his pocket taking a out a scalpel but what the heck - it is not a scalpel it a forged knife idiot...

The man opened his weak eyes and looked back at her face with a sweat droplets leaning down his face -  don't be sacred it just a.... Haladie knife from India ..my mother gave me this... If I'm... dying tonight let the last... scratch be from this knife...!

Karishma looked back at his eyes with a helpless state as she said - you are not dying tonight! I won't kill you believe me, I am not a doctor but I had enough of bullets to know how to remove them !

And man passed her his first smoky smirk to her - whatever it is now, you just declared I'm dying! He sarcastically spoke but all he felt last was big stroke of the haladie over his abdomen making him go unconscious over there.
Thank you @sayiyadarizvi for sharing this amazing plot! I will defenitely try to do justice to your idea 😊❤️

And everyone please share your reviews, as matter of concern i had already told you that I had lost my motivation to write and your comments are the only thing that will be able to make me feel connected back

Making a major possibility that I would be able to complete my other stories soon too ... Loads of love! ❤️

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