ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

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Y/N'S P.O.V:

As I was walking down the hall not looking away from my device, still looking for a certain brunette

after I finally beat the boss to finish the quest I hear a familiar voice

"I swear it was a coincidence that's all- "

' Tohru? ' I thought to myself, turning the corner to see tohru with 4 other girls cornering her as I heard another voice saying 

"If that were a good enough excuse we wouldn't need the club now would we?! " followed by 3 other girls

" Im sorry I- " 

"Hey, don't pick a fight over something stupid just cause your ego got bruised. " as a familiar blondie and black haired girl came into view

" Yeah, its quite pointless and stupid " I said, going beside the two girls

" Like you two are one to talk you delinquents think that making threats solves everything! " the bluenette said as they back away in fear

' how annoying, dealing with these brats so early in the morning ' I sigh as I start to focus my attention to the game i'm playing while still listening a bit

"  I use my waves. so play nice " hana said a bit threateningly as the girls run away screaming in fear 

" Thank you so much, you saved me "

" Oh you poor thing cornered by those mean girl, hey dont actually do the wave thing hanajima" Uo cut tohru off by giving her a hug while side glancing hana

" Honestly why does the principle even allow self centered brats like them here. Now we have to deal with them every day " I mumbled, killing off the remaining monsters in the game


~ Home Economics Room ~

3rd person's P.O.V

" I kinda admit, it is kinda weird seeing you coming in with the prince like that " Uo said while tohru was mixing the pot of soup(?)

" Yeah, I was so nervous, Sohma is almost too beautiful " Tohru replied, still mixing the soup ( please tell me it is soup )

" Yk, there's something about his waves that I find kinda strange. " Hana joined the conversation while holding the knife close to her face

" Another instalment of hanajima's wave report " Uo replied, while tohru brings the spoon down after giving a little taste test

" Strang in what way? " Torhu asks 

"Thats the thing im not quite sure. " Hana replies while putting her knife away

" He does give off quite a mysterious vibe " Y/N said as they were lost in thought a few minutes ago

" I agree with you Y/N, But why were you so quiet awhile ago? " Uo asks

" Im usually quiet but I was just thinking about something " Y/N replied casually 

' and that something is if bianca is alright staying at dad's place. '  they thought 

The thing is, Y/N's parents divorced 5 years ago, their father got full custody of bianca and their mother got full custody of Y/N.

" I heard a 2nd year confessed her love for him a while back and went in for a hug, He sent her flying. scared the heck out of her" Uo snapped Y/N back to reality as she said that

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