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"What do you mean by you can't find her?!" I barked furiously the moment Ashley stepped into the dining room. I noticed how both Tiana and Ashley cowered slightly, it was the Alpha voice that scared them.

"I came up to her this morning," Ash managed out, explaining slowly. It was evident she was scared of me which was rightly so because I felt my wolf fighting to appear and go on a mad rage. "Then brought her food, her meds and stuff, then she told me she wanted to be left alone to rest for a while."

"And you actually left her alone?" I questioned in disbelief wondering how my little human mate had managed to deceive my sister. "I told you to check up on her hourly, Ash!"

"I didn't know she was still trying to escape!" She cried, eyes now brimming with tears. "I'm so sorry."

I opened my mouth to talk when I heard Tiana cut in quietly. "If I may, boss. I'll suggest we send troops after her, it's a large estate, it would take her several hours to leave especially considering the fact that she's injured. She's still here."

"I'm going after her!" I knew sending wolves after her was a very bad idea, she already had the preconceived notion that we wanted to harm her, sending a bunch of guys to bring her back would be a very bad idea. "Problem is locating where exactly she took."

"That is why we have cameras, Alpha," Tiana murmured drly, she was no slicing up her waffles leisurely. "I honestly wonder why you two are so jumpy, poor girl can't leave this estate even if she tried to."

It took me a few minutes to detect her route from the security footage and I picked up her scent, following the trail in wolf form. It was kind of exciting, searching for her, it gave the kind of thrill treasure hunts did and Dante was no loser. My only fear was her wounds, I didn't want them to get worse while she struggled with the forest.

She really was brave, trying to escape a werewolf packhouse.

Her scent was strong and sweet, like wild berries mixed with that rainy smell, it made me warm and happy imagining inhaling her sweet scent while holding her in my arms. Not like it looked like she was going to allow that anytime soon. I stopped at a fallen branch, her sweet smell concentrated there and guessed she had stayed there for some time, my suspicions were proved when I saw a pair of black shoes, flats. I recognized them because I told Ash to put some of her things in the room for her until we went to get her own stuff.

I transformed, standing stark naked and picking up the shoes and involuntarily holding them up to my nose to sniff. I was so whipped. I looked down at my nude form realising I didn't anticipate this part of my retrieval mission.

I didn't want to appear to her as a wolf.

And now I didn't have on any clothes.

The latter seemed a better option than full on scaring her so I chose it, picking up the shoes and following her scent. I stopped a few yards when I heard heavy breathing, it was her. I could tell. I approached cautiously, with her breathing rate I could tell she was catching her breath and now would probably be the best time to show up.

I saw her leaning against a short tree, clutching her side in pain and felt a stab of pain in the same spot. Her face was matted with sweat which made her short hair stick to her face. She had on those long maternity gowns the women around here used to wear during their pregnancy periods.

"Hey," I called from afar not wanting to scare her by approaching all of a sudden. "I found your shoes." I held them up, realizing I looked stupid and nude holding up her shoes.

She looked over at me with a scowl, probably annoyed about being caught and bewildered by my nudity. She regarded me for a few seconds without speaking and I deemed it safe to approach her.

"Can you walk?" I looked at her clutch her wound, she was trying to downplay the magnitude of the pain. "Let me carry you back to the house." I almost added 'please' but didn't want to sound too creepy.

"Stay away from me," I heard her murmur, groaning and sounding like she was trying very hard not to cry. She looked like she was going to fall over any moment from now. "I can walk."

"Without your shoes?" I looked at her bare feet on the moist forest soil. They looked small, incapable of walking the distances mine had.

"I took them off, they made my toes hurt. I can walk barefoot fine." She started to walk towards me, slowly. It was like she herself knew she wasn't going to make it out of our territory but was just giving it a shot.

Nice try, baby.

"Is it because I'm naked, that's why you don't want me carrying you?"

She looked at me, eyes lingering at my pelvic aread and I could see that for the first time she was fighting the urge to smile. I wondered how much smiling would light up her beautiful face.

"Why are you even naked?"

"I transformed to look for you and when I changed, no clothes," I shrugged, my eyes never leaving her for a second. She was now beside me and I let her take the lead. "Are you sure you can walk without your shoes?"

"Leave me alone, Dante," she groaned back, limping a bit. My chest exploded with warmth that spread all the way from my hair to my toes. She called my name! It sounded so beautiful in her voice, musical even.

I walked behind her, enveloped in my little cloud of happiness for a few moments when I heard her speak again. "Your sister is very nice to me."

"She likes you a lot." It was true, Ashley genuinely liked this stubborn little human we were stuck with.

"Tell her I appreciate it. Not a lot of people have been nice to me --" she was saying when she suddenly gave an ear splitting scream.

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Yours Truly, Alpha Dante.Where stories live. Discover now