SO! I am happy to do requests and i'm really grateful for all the support so far! but If you ask y/n to be a specific age. (and this has only really happened with devon) make sure its appropriate.. . 13 x 17 is weird. and 14 x 18 is weird. 13 x 18.. is super weird.
if you want them to smooch smooch ;3 at the end then make it appropriate. if a 18 year old finds a 14 year old attractive. they are a predator. and I don't make that crap.
if you want it to be like the shot in the movie with all the fangirl stuff then they cant end up together at the end.
I am not attacking the people who have stumbled over this. no hate. but please remember this.

4 town (+Devon) oneshots and headcannons
FanfictionTurning red 4 town + Devon oneshots and head cannons.