The New Boy In Town

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(play video when you get to talent show)

8 months after Lord Fuckward interrupted Sexy Shreck, Daddy Donald and Erection Ed's sexy time a new boy had come to town and he was looking for love.
Jiggly James saw Sexy Shreck on his first day in town and he fell hard. Shreck wasn't his usual type, James usually for the younger boys but he just thought that by not taking a chance and asking Shreck out he would be missing out on the oppotunity of a lifetime.
So James decided to enter the towns talent show to win Shreck's love but little did he know he wouldn't only be winning Shreck's love on the night of the talent show.
James was doing his breathing exercises in the wings of the stage. He peeked around the curtains to see Shreck sitting on the front row. James started breathing heavier and he even felt his one inch willy start to grow taller but he pushed it back down before it had reched its full length.
Before he knew it James was walking onto the stage. Once he got to the centre he looked right into Shreck's eyes and began singing his own composition,'whomp whomp whomp'.
Shreck was blown away by James' singing and so were Ed and Donald.
All three of them never thought they would fall in love again after the tragic ending of their past relationship.
After the show, they all went backstage to look for James not knowing that they were going to see each other again after 8 long months of separation.
Whilst rushing around the corridors backstage, Shreck bumped into Ed,"Hi Shreck, haven't seen you in a while". All Shreck could do was stand there and blush: he didn't realise how much he really missed Ed (and Donald). He bowed his head, hoping that Ed didn't see the rosy pink on his cheeks but Ed saw and blushed too. Ed tilted Shreck's head up so that they were looking at each other in the eyes and said,"I love you Shreck! I've loved you ever since that day at your swamp!"(he had forgotten the reason why he was backstage)
"I can't do this!" said Shreck as he turned and started walking away,"I've fallen for someone else." Taken aback by what Shreck had just said Ed rushed over to him, grabbed his hand and pinned him against the wall. Ed took his other hand and choked Shreck. Shreck squirmed under Ed's grip and Ed whispered into Shreck's ear,"You like that baby?"
All Shreck could manage was a small nod before Ed's lips came crashing towards his. Within seconds their clothes were on the floor and they were left in only their matching thongs.
Shreck pulled away and said,"You kept it!"
"Of course," Ed nodded,"it's my only reminder of you and Donald."
Suddenly the door to their left came flying open and a person who could only be described as a sunburnt orange came flying through. Shreck pulled away from Ed abruptly and said,"Donald? Is that you?"
Donald ran towards Shreck and pulled him into a tight hug, twirling Sheck's back hair through his fingers like he always used to. Feeling left out, Ed put his arms around the others and rested his head on Donald's shoulder. Shreck was the first to pull away,"We shouldn't be doing this," he said,"you know what happened last time."
They nodded in agreement and gave each other one last sloppy kiss.
When Shreck and Donald were mid-snog, Jiggly James burst through the door and when he saw Shreck kissing another man he screamed and fell to the ground.
Shreck pulled away and walked up to James and said,"Hey James are you okay?"
"NO!" screamed James furiously,"I saw you kissing another man and," he took a breath and seductively pushed a strand of hair behind his ear,"I like you Shreck and I wanna be with you!"
"I like you too James," said Shreck,"but I also like Ed and Donald."
Donald stepped forward,"You know, we could all get together." he suggested.
"We can't" shouted Ed,"you know that's against the law now!"
James stood up and said,"I know I said I liked Shreck but you guys are pretty fit too. I wouldn't mine a foursome."
"I'm okay with it if you are" said Shreck as he looked over at Donald and Ed. Donald nodded with a sexy smirk and turned to Ed, who, after a bit of seducing, was convined to go along with the idea.
"We can go to my house," said Ed,"it's only over there." He points out the window and the others look to see a large mansion with an orange flag saying,'Erection Ed lives here!'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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