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After running around the city for a last minute outfit, since, as always, Amara decided the one she had wasn't good enough.

Now her hair was perfectly curled pulled back into a low pony tail, her make-up done, and a baby blue button up t-shirt dress where the middle was made to tie around her waist, giving her more shape then a typical large t-shirt, making sure she had everything she may need for the event in her little black designer purse, one of the many expensive birthday gifts from her parents.

"Hey," Thalia knocked on her sisters door, entering, "Oh my gosh, you look amazing!"

"Thank you," Amara smiled, trying to clip on a necklace as she turned to her sister, "What are you gonna wear?"

"Uhm yeah about that, I forgot Jane bought tickets for Rogers the Musical, she's got them a year ago,"  Thalia explained.

Amara just groaned in defeat.

"Isn't Kate going?"

"She hasn't answered me all day, she's been so distant since we got home," Amara sighed sitting on the edge of her messy bed, "Maybe I just shouldn't even go"

"No, you have to go, be proud of what you've made," Thalia sat down next to her sister, her hand gently on her shoulder. 

"What's the point? I'm gonna go see my art in a gallery and just be sad because I have no one to share it with"

"Okay, but when else are you going to see random people appreciate your art? That's going to mean so much more than people who love and care about you," Thalia countered.

Amara just shrugged.

"Let me," Thalia stood up, "Talk to my friends, maybe I can persuade them to go after"

"You don't have to do that"

"No, I want to, I want to support you, I wanna see the sculptures you've been hyping up all semester!" Thalia took her sisters hands in her own, "Now deep breath, you look amazing, you are amazing so go kill it!"

"Are you sure I'm the older sister? You're so much better at this than I am," Amara softly chuckled as she stood up, pulling her sister into a hug.

"You got this," Thalia smiled as she started to walk away.

"Thank you, Thal," Amara smiled.

Amara now stood in the gallery, art from all different students from all over the east coast, she wondered around, admiring each person's art, from realism and pop art, to all kinds of sculptures, metal, clay, even recycled plastic.

She stood opposite from her small of clay sculptures, watching other people pass them.

Her art was always based in her Greek heritage, something her Dad had always been proud of, which was passed down to her and her sister.

This small collection was based in misunderstood Greek mythology, so she had done a sculpture of Medusa and her sisters: Stheno and Euryale, one of Pandora's jar showcasing what it really held; the words miseries, and a sculpture portraying the serial womanizer Zeus.

Amara watched people read the cards describing the pieces and talking about the pieces, it made her smile. Thalia had been right, seeing strangers like the pieces was more rewarding then getting praise from people who already supported her.

She turned to start walking around looking at the other pieces that filled the room, landing on a realism piece she took time to see every detail in every inch of it.

"So," a familiar voice made Amara stand up straight, eyes wide, slowly turning to look at the dark haired girl standing beside her.

"Kate! You came!" Amara smiled trying to contain her excitement.

"I wouldn't miss it, you know that," Kate smiled her hand reaching for Amara's as they stood facing one another.

"Oh my gosh, your face," Amara said finally seeing the small cuts all over her girlfriends face.

"I'm fine," Kate hummed trying to persuade herself and Amara.

"Where have you been the last few days?"

"Work and training," Kate answered.

"So," Amara crossed her arms over her chest, "You got all these cuts from work and training?"

"Yep," Kate nodded.

"You're a terrible liar," Amara turned and walked over to the corner where her sculptures were.

"Mar!" Kate softly called after her girlfriend, following her across the quiet room.

Amara stood rereading the descriptions she wrote, short retelling of the stories.

"Mar, there's bigger things going on, but I uh I can't tell you, like in public," Kate whispered glancing around the room.

"Oh whatever," Amara rolled her eyes, not turning to look at her.

"It has to do with an Avenger"

"Oh my god, Kate!" Amara turned to face her with confusion and disbelief, still trying to keep her voice low, "Seriously? Now you're just making things up"

"I promise I'm not," Kate pleaded, "Amara," she put her hands on the girls shoulders, "I promise, I can explain it all"

"I don't want any crazy stories, Kate, I want the truth," Amara looked at her girlfriend right in the eyes, Kate gave her a small nod, even thought she knew it was going to sound crazy no matter what.

"Okay, so," Kate put her arm around Amara's shoulders, trying to ease the tension, pulling her close to her, "Tell me the stories," she smiled looking over at the girl who was just a couple inches shorter then her.

"Okay," Amara smiled, looking over at her sculptures, "The one in the back in the middle, is Pandora's jar, and I made it to where she was coming out of the top, because"

Kate watched as Amara explained her art, she could hear and see the passion she had for it, her brown eyes sparkling as she spoke. It was one of the many things she loved about Amara. God and did she love her, she had never felt this way about anyone before, her mind wondered to all the small moments the two shared.


"Sorry, the uhm," Kate tried to recited what Amara had been saying.

"Oh my gosh, Kate! You asked me about them and then didn't even listen!?" she took a step away from her.

"No I swear I was...I just got distracted"

"You've been distracted a lot lately," Amara shot back, walking away to find the open bar for another drink.

Kate dropped her head in defeat, she needed to tell Amara, it was eating her alive, and she didn't like keeping secrets from Amara.

"Hey," Kate found Amara waiting for a drink.

"Hi," Amara's face was emotionless, still annoyed with Kate.

"Can we leave soon? I can explain everything," Kate tried to bargain with her.

"Fine, after I finish my drink," Amara said as the bartender handed her a drink, she immediately took a sip.

secrets // kate bishopWhere stories live. Discover now