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"Y/n/n! Mei-mei! Breakfast is ready!" I groan sitting up. 

"Coming!" I shout. The smell of pancakes fills the air. I shoot up, getting dressed as fast as I can.


"OH YEA!?" I burst out the door wearing a f/c noodle strap and black sweatpants. Mei runs out just behind me, but I sit down first.

"Yessss! Extra pancake for meeee." I smirk, taking three pancakes.

"Dang it!" Mei sulks.

"You two sure do like pancakes." Mom chuckles as dad stared in awe at my plate.

"Even I can't eat three pancakes!"

"And that's why I always beat you at an eating competition." I smile.

Time skip: after breakfast

"Bye mom, bye Dad! See you in a few hours!" I hug both of them and leave the temple.

"Hold on. Aren't you forgetting something?" I think for a moment before face-palming. I was still in my pajamas.

"Be right here, Mei!" I call out running into my room. Before I can change, my phone buzzes. I read the notification in shock.


YES!" I do a happy dance and shout yes over and over again.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Mom and Mei burst into the door.

"LOOK!" I run over to them holding my phone. I play a video for them to watch.

"Heyo! I have a challenge for all of you! I want you all to make a sick beat of your own! Only one rule You cannot use other songs' background music. A certain prize will go to the winner, and who knows? That could be you! Deadlines on August 28th, so get that beat in! Send it here! *insert link*" Both Mom and Mei smile and hug me.

"You HAVE to send something in! I'm sure you'd win!" Mei squeals.

"But the deadline's tomorrow! I'll need to work a lot. Mom? Any thoughts?"

"You should!" Mom hugs me tighter before letting go.

"Could we invite the girls here instead? We could work on it together!" I give her puppy eyes, and soon Mei joins in.

"Sure." She smiles before leaving.

"YES!" I shout.

Time skip: Once they arrive




"Alright! First of all, we should get instruments gathered that sound good with each other." Mei suggests.

"Hm... I don't think we'll need instruments for this." I smirk.

"Huh? Then what will we need?" Abby questions.

"I think if we want to be original, we use things that aren't instruments and also use my DJ set." I get out my laptop and a few gadgets along with a DJ table.

"Here! Listen to this!" I tap a little bass drum sound maker to make a beat.

"Ooh! That sounds good already." Myriam compliments.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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