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"I don't spill anything, you don't. Whatever happens between us, stays between us. You made me so mad in your love.
I wish I knew how to quit you. Your love is like a drug that I can't give up. I'm addicted". ~ Draco Malfoy.

Both their love was addicting for one another. They couldn't break the magnet pulling them back to each other. They knew it was bad but nothing could stop them.

The story is based in 7th year at Hogwarts, however a completely different story to J.K. Rowling.

The school year was the same each year, sleep, class, eat, repeat but this year was different. Eventful, for Alexa and others. She was overwhelmed in her mind. The thoughts of nights she could not spill. Not even to her best friend.

She once dreamed of having everything. She got that. But things happen and she ends up going back to having nothing like she did before. She couldn't help it. She was addicted. Just like him...

Drugs and sex bring everyone together but at the wrong time. "This shouldn't be happening" they both sighed at the thought.

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