Chapter 2, Different comments on 1 video

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Will be updated.

The hardest part of depression is accepting that you are loved. Not by everyone else, but that one person. The one that looks back at you in the mirror, the one that you catch a glimpse of after crying while everyone is asleep, that one person that thinks you deserve pain, the one that wishes you could'm not sorry, sorry


To anyone who reads thisyou are worth ityou can do ityou are not aloneyou are lovedyou are seenyou are heardyou are enoughyou mean the world to someone out there and if not now, you will one dayi hope you all the best

Me and Dr. College

I know that feelingAnd I know your pain buddy.But just know...I'm REALLY proud of you.I'm proud of you for waking upI'm proud of you for staying aliveI'm proud of you for keep going I'm proud of you for eatingI'm proud of you for drinking waterI'm proud of you for try to do your bestI'm proud of you for try to make everyone happy.Like...You're the strongest person i've ever seen.Oh and I forgot this...Just know that suicide isn't an optionIt will just pass your pain to me, and to somebody else...So keep going.Try.Like I doI live only for my Best Friend.

NoHackLy _

I understand it's hard to see but just remember: your happiness is in your hands and so is your life. It's okay to cry, be angry, laugh, be afraid because these are normal human emotions which are 100% controllable. Love yourself before you love other people. Live your life how you want to and stop overthinking about things out of your control. Stay safe >3


You got this you guys. I believe in you, your so worth it to stay. There's so much to live for I know it doesn't feel like there is. When you've hit rock bottom the only ways up. If any wants my number to rant or talk to I'll be here to listen just ask

Joe Mama (I know)

Whoever is still here; whoever is still waiting for happiness, go an find it Make someone happy, find someone who makes you happy, make yourself happy. Rough times will always come around but once you fall and don't get up that is when you lose. That is when you fail. Everything is easier said than done of course but I assure you... that sun will be there every morning waiting to see that beautiful face. Stay strong brothers and sisters. Stay strong everyone. Much love, much respect,Beau M.  

The German Man

The people who disliked this have no idea what they have done to thousands of people. Don't let people who don't understand pull u down further. You are loved by people u don't even know. Listen to this music and take in deep breaths InOutInOutIt's going to be alright I believe in you and I love u so muchDon't give upFor me

nObOdy knOws

To anybody struggling:I am too.When youre feeling lost, look at the moon or the stars. Ill look too, so you know you arent alone. Hope this helps. <3

Ella Jonas

I know it must be hard,but remember the pain you feeling now won't last forever.I promise you that.Please don't give up,this world needs you,I swear. Sending you love & light. Love you.️

Byeol Byeol(Sparkles)

I don't know who will see this or when but..It's okay, I'm here for you. I'll listen to your problems and worries and we can sort them out together. You're not alone in this because I'm here and will always be here for you


If you're reading this, dude I give you hugs. Also TW for thoughts and honesty.This song pulls so many heart strings in so many ways. In a good mental mindset, for me, when I listen to this I think of how real this song truly is. In moments where I'm not so good, this songs speaks for my soul and I just want to be there, at the rooftop, having this internal monologue... and it just helps to have a song so easily put it into words as I lay on the floor and cry through the horrors of my mind. I've never come close to committing, but every once and awhile the thought will be there.Currently writing this, I'm in that good/better mindset -- having had a severe episode last week and having listened to this song after a long time -- I think this is my new go to bad-brain-day song. And it's beautifully written. A Heartbreaking story told by so many people put into one voice. It's hauntingly beautiful.

Bunny Gilson

i don't know what you're going through or anything that has happened to you .. or how you're feeling . how you're doing but please stay awake and keep your head up no matter how hard life gets keep walking if you get tired keep getting up and pick yourself up darling you're so strong my love just seeing you wake up and see you breathing makes me so happy and proud of you for believing in yourself and keeping yourself on this earth i promise if things don't get better your guard will help please for god's sake stay awake please don't think about harming yourself or others , or committing you're doing so great don't ruin it , it's okay to cry bub i understand you .. when the world let's you down you pick yourself up and say im to strong for that i will keep my guard awake and safe don't fear you're brave do not give your past the power to define your future i love you <3


Hi guys! About two years ago I was at my lowest point. this song and comment section was the only thing I had. I loved coming here, sitting in my bed, and crying. feeling alone with nothing. but I just like to say to my life has gotten so much better. I definitely am not 100% and I don't think anyone ever can be. I just went to a Billie Eilish concert and it was the best experience of my life, not only because I love her but because her music saved my life. keep your head up high because good things will come your way, and even when it seems like there's nothing left. Please trust me, there always is.

Veronica Dean

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