School and Therapy

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Barri's POV

It was a September morning. I woke up to a baby crying. I thought it would stop like it always did, but it didn't. I sat up. Michael wasn't beside me. I checked the time. It was 8 in the morning. I gave the baby some milk. I put the baby back to sleep. I went to look for Michael. I heard talking coming out of a room. I popped my head in. My mom was teaching my oldest daughter. I continued looking for Michael. I found him in the studio. "Good morning." "Good morning. I didn't expect you to be awake so early. I Kaitlyn was crying and mom was busy with Isabella so, I had to feed Kaitlyn." "Well I decided to work on my songs earlier today so I can help you with kids." I smiled. "I love you." "I love you too." Michael kissed my cheek. I yawned. "I'm going back to sleep." "Sleep tight." I went back to my bed and went to sleep. I woke up a little later to Kaitlyn crying. I changed Kaitlyn's diaper. I washed my hands. I brought the kids to the table. Michael came to the table. I went to Isabella and my mom. "Did you too have breakfast yet?" "Yes. Grandma made eggs for us." I giggled. "I was just checking. Carry on." I went back to the breakfast table. "The cook told me that breakfast was ready." Michael said. "Good." I responded. The cook brought french toast to the table. We all at breakfast. "Mommy where Bella?" "She's in school Violet." "I go too?" "You're too little." I responded. I put all the dishes in the sink. Michael and I played with the kids for a while. Soon Isabella went towards the table, but she went passed the table. "Daddy guess what we did?" "What did you do?" "We sang the alphabet. Do you want me to sing it for you?" "Sure." "A b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z. Now I know my abcs next time won't sing with me." Michael and clapped our hands. "I'm so proud of you Isabella." Michael said. Isabella smiled "Isabella come get your lunch." "Okay grandma." Isabella yawned. "It's nap time Isabella." "Okay grandma." Isabella and my mom went back to the room. A couple of hours later it was time for our other kids to have lunch. The cook brought us some lunch and we ate. The kids became fussy so, we put them to sleep for a nap. Eventually, the kids woke back up. It was 3 in the afternoon. My mom came out of the back with Isabella. Isabella went to play with her siblings. Michael went over to talk to my mom. "Is Isabella still having nightmares?" Michael asked my mom. "Unfortunately yes. When I went to wake her up for class she was tossing and turning and she was tossing and turning during nap time." My mother said. "Okay. I scheduled an appointment for her with the psychologist." Michael said. "Isabella?" "Yes?" "Do you want to go on a trip with me or your mom?" "I want to go with you." "Okay. Come on." "Where are we going?" "You'll see. Bye everyone. See you later." Michael kissed me. "Bye." Isabella said. Michael and Isabella went out the door. "Where Bella go." "Isabella keeps on having scary dreams so daddy is taking her somewhere she can get help." "Okay."

Michael's POV

After Isabella had school I took her to the car. The driver pulled off. "Where are we going daddy?" "Do you know how you've been having bad dreams." "Yes. They're always so scary." "I'm taking you somewhere you can get help." "Really?" "Yep." We sat back and enjoyed the ride. We made it to the psychologist. I got out the car and I got Isabella out the car. "Come on." Isabella grabbed my hand. We walked into the building. We walked into the psychology office. "Hi Mr. Jackson. I'm Mr. Miller." The guy reached out his hand to me. I shook his hand. "Hi. Are you the psychologist?" "Yes sir. Why don't you two sit down?" "Okay." Isabella and I sat down. "How are you today?" Mr. Miller asked. "Good." Isabella answered. "That's good. What brings you here today?" "She keeps on having nightmares." I answered. "What are these nightmares about?" "Well, it starts out with me playing with my brothers and sister. Then I got up to ask my daddy for some water, but when I was walking I accidently stepped on this scary man's toe. Then the guy beat me bad." Isabella shed a tear. I wiped it away. "You're doing so good Isabella." I said. "Yes you are." Mr. Miller added. "Do you have any idea what could be causing this nightmare?" Mr. Miller asked. "At her birthday party that's exactly what happened. The guy was my father. He hasn't seen her since." I answered. "How many brothers and sisters do you have?" "At the time I had one sister and two brothers, but my mommy just had a baby so now I have two brothers and two sisters." "Alright. What makes you happy?" "Playing with my mommy and my daddy and my brothers and sisters and my grandma and learning with my grandma." "Do you have a favorite food?" "I like Pizza and lasagna and Ice Cream." "Okay Everytime you go to sleep I want you to think about something that makes you happy." "Okay." "Mr. Jackson do you promise to keep that man away from Isabella?" "I promise." "See your dad isn't going to let anyone hurt you." "Okay." "Alright, if you have anymore problems come back and see me." "Okay." I said. "Have a good day." "You too." We shook hands. "Bye Mr. Miller." "Bye Isabella." Isabella and I got back in the car. "You did so good today. Do you want Ice Cream?" "Yes." "Do you think we should get some for mommy and your brothers and sisters and your grandma." "Yes we should always share." "That's right. Stop at the store." "Yes Mr. Jackson." The driver stopped at the store. "Be quick." "Yes sir." The driver went in the store. The driver quickly came back out with the Ice Cream. We made it home. We went inside. "Mommy, we got ice cream for everyone." "Great. Hi honey." "Hi Baby." I kissed Barri. "How did it go?" "I think it went great, but the only way to find out is to see what happens when she goes to sleep." We had dinner and Ice cream. We went to sleep. I woke up the next day and checked on Isabella. She was sleeping peacefully. I smiled as I went to the recording studio.

Thank you much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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