° Chapter Nine °

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Sam was excited to say the least, maybe even excited in more ways then one. The hybrid sauntered his way across the club, checking everyone out and assessing any visible threats. When he was nearly halfway across the room, he was tackled in a hug,

"Sam!! It's good to see you!!" It was Tubbo, but he must have been hyped up on some energy drink, as evidenced by his erratic behavior.

"It's good to see you too, Tubbo. Why aren't you with Tommy?" Sam asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Why would I be with Tommy?! He's in the back making out with Ponk or something!"

Sam was confused to say the least, as Tommy was never the romantic type, nor anyone even the least bit interested in physical affection. "Alright, I'll go find him. You get back to your booth."

Sam made his way quickly across the club, entering the back rooms and heading to Ponk's dressing room. Behind the door, he heard muffled noises that made him a bit nervous, but they stopped as he knocked on the door,

"Come in!" Ponk's soft voice called not even a second after Sam knocked.

Sam entered the room and saw Tommy sitting in a chair in front of a mirror and Ponk holding an eyeliner pen tentatively in one hand. Tommy looked over at Sam, embarrassed, he gave a small and awkward wave, "H-hey dad..."

Sam's eyebrows were both raised as he took in what was happening. His adopted son, a fiery young man who never liked anything even remotely feminine, was allowing Ponk to put eyeliner on him. A lighthearted voice broke him from his thoughts, "Surprised?" It was Ponk, "I convinced him to at least try it. It would give me a bit of a warmup after being off of work for a while."

Sam laughed softly, "You two are funny. Tubbo had told me you guys were 'making out in the back.' What a crazy guy."

"Oh my gosh!! I told him I was going to try makeup with Ponk, not makout!" Tommy huffed, crossing his arms.

"He needs to stop drinking so many Monsters." Ponk giggled, his eyes scrunching up in sheer entertainment. Sam laughed softly, "I agree, that kid has too much energy as is, he doesn't need any more."

"Especially because of his ADHD!" Tommy piped up. Sam and Ponk both agreed with that point.

"Anyways, we're just about done. How does it look so far?" Ponk asked, looking at Sam.

"I think it looks great. It really makes his eye color stand out, and it compliments his jawline a bit."

"What do you mean by 'a bit'?" Tommy huffed, half joking. Sam smiled, "You know what I mean, shorty."

Ponk just stood back and laughed, Tommy's reactions to little jabs like that were always at least a little funny to experience, especially firsthand.

After Ponk had finished applying Tommy's eyeliner, the three decided to head back out onto the floor, Tommy heading for the bar, while the other two headed towards their designated stage area.

"Man, it's good to be back." Ponk breathed, taking in the blaring music and flashing rave lights, which were accented by the drunken and not so drunken swaying of bodies to the beat.

"Heyyyyy, hot-stuff. Whaddya say we get outta here?" A clearly drunken man slurred, getting uncomfortably close to Ponk.

"No thanks, man. I don't do that..." Ponk responded, shrinking back slightly. But the man persisted, continuously asking and begging the shorter male to go home with him. This behavior caused Sam to act, he gently laid a hand on the drunken man's shoulder, "Sir, if you continue this behavior, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. The man already declined your offer, so I suggest you take a hint and go elsewhere. This is a big club, after all."

The man scowled, "I don' hafta listen to you, bub. This is a free country!" Sam just huffed, grabbing the man by the shoulders and beginning to guide him to the exit.

"Hey! Get'chur hands offa me!!" The man's annoyed protests were soon drowned out by the music, and Ponk was left alone once more. The shorter male sighed, taking a seat at a booth in a more private area of that corner of the club, one where Sam would know to find him at.

As he waited patiently for Sam's return, Ponk moved his shoulders and tapped his foot to the beat of the music, the rythym filling his mind and taking over his unconscious movements. Ponk sighed, tapping his fingers on the table as he waited, he was unsure how long it would take Sam to deal with the guy, but he hoped it wasn't long, as he had already caught the eye of a few people around the outskirts of the crowd.

Incident at the Club ☆ AweSamPonk ☆Where stories live. Discover now