Prologue: Calm before the storm

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"Th-This place..."

A shadowy figure could be seen standing under a dark violet sky, only visible through the ominous grey clouds that loomed over head. The bright, heart-shaped moon enveloped in a blue aura seemed to be the only source of light in the atmosphere above. Rain splattered downward on all below it, splashing against the black asphalt and against the stranger's midnight black coat. The muffled sound of the droplets against the stranger's hood were almost soothing as their gaze seemed to reach upward toward the structure in front of them. A greenish blue skyscraper stretched into the heavens, covered in brightly colored neon lights towards its steps.

"What...What is this place?"

Memory's Skyscraper...

They looked around, but to no avail, as the voice they had just heard seemed to come from nowhere. "Who...Who said that?" A sloshy sound was clearly audible as dark black spots seemed to sprout from absolutely nothing, along the steps at the base of the skycraper, behind him in the plaza alit with the neon lights from surrounding shop and buildings in rows. They backed up as a pair of eyes revealed themselves from the puddles, as several puddles of pure darkness did the same. These pitch-black beings, with ruffled antenna and faintly humanoid features emerged fully from the pools and quickly moved to surround the cloaked figure, not giving them a chance to even think of escaping. They bore their thinly, sharp claws, moving in to strike. As soon as one got within striking distance...


A solitary word escaped the hood as everything seemed to ripple like that of a mirage. It all evaporated, even the very ground under the individual's feet disappeared. They now found themselves standing on something tan. A grainy sand under their shoes as they looked out onto a clear blue sea, sparkling in the newly found sunlight that hovered overhead. The waves rocked back and forth slowly as they crashed against the shore, drawing sand back out with them with them within their foamy hands. Where has the rain, no, where had that whole place disappeared to?

They will find you ...

...And lead you down the correct path...for the realm of light is at stake once more...

"What are you talking about!? ANSWER ME!"

The cloaked figure slowly began to descend into a large pool of blankness. They struggled with all their might, but they couldn't get free of the darkness that now they now began to submerge into. The figure let out one last scream before finally sinking into the black abyss below them.

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