Chapter one

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"NOOOOO!!!" Rain awoke, yelling as he had the blade of a throwing knife between his index finger, ready to throw it.

"Guuh...guh....huh....huh..." He looked around his room, gasping for air and wide-eyed. "I-It was only...a dream..." He sighed as he placed the knife in his left hand back on the nightstand the sat on the left of his bed against the wall. "That's....that has to be the fourth time this has happened..." He brought his hand up, running it through his silvery head of spiky hair, which held a streak of beryl and amaranthine, as he glanced over at the window on the right side of his bed. He needed to cool off. He moved out his black sheets and purple comforter, donning his blue tee shirt and purple pajama pants, both adorning a black star pattern. He sat up on his knees and shimmied over to the window before grabbing the two brass latches of his sliding window and flipping them back with a snap. He brought his fingers up under the bottom of the upward sliding window before pushing it upward. The faint sound of chiming bells was apparent in the distance, just before the sound faded away. Inward darted the untainted orange light that enveloped the whole town. Its beautiful glow stretched outward like arms of a mother hugging her child.

He quickly brought the window again before pulling it down and locking it back, feeling a little better than he was before. It was time to get up. He transversed back over the sea of purple that was his bed and swung his legs over its left-hand side before standing to his feet on the light brown carpet. After promptly standing to his feet, he makes a right turn and walks into the open bathroom door.

This is Rain, a fifteen year old boy dwelling in a town where the sun never sets...

          ~|| TWILIGHT TOWN ||~

The echoed sound of swishing and running found its way out of the bathroom and into Rain's simplistic bedroom. The young teen gazed at himself in the mirror, confused. Not a look of drowsiness on his dark-skinned face but, a look of worry. What did all this dream stuff mean? "They' me...?" His thoughts reverberated in his head. "Who...?"

A few minutes later, Rain patterned down the step, each one of his movements quickly succeeded the next. Rain adorned a pair of black jeans, folded at the ends, a hoodie, purple in color and emblazoned with a nautical star with wings, a checkered black and white undershirt with a v-neck and a pair of dark violet converse. He ambulated into the dinning room, a lone, rectangular table of a deep brown. Atop it sat a ceramic bowl, which scintillated due to the surrounding light that seeped through the airy, tan curtains in the living room. The bowl was filled with an assortment of fruit, whose aroma wafted through the air. Tart mixes of lemon and lime floated about, along with the sweet fragrance of strawberry and grapes. Rain's hand reached out for an interesting fruit. Carambola, otherwise known as, the star fruit. Its vibrant yellow waxy skin always seemed to feel odd on his palms. Rain walked into the kitchen and came out another two minutes later, holding a plastic bag of yellow star-shaped slices. His hair, the color of the light of a full moon, bounce from left to right as he walked to the door of his apartment.

Rain lived alone in this place, the only place he had called home ever since a few years ago. As the mahogany door swung open, Rain stepped out onto the limestone steps, chewing on one of the sweet star slices with an apple-like consistency and texture. All was quiet, the noise of the bells was gone and it sounded as if no one was outside.

"What's...going on..? I swore I heard the bells from the station tower earlier..." It seemed so quite that he was sure he could hear his own thoughts echoing about. Something was definitely wrong. Rain's silver hair swayed to and fro as he rounded a corner. What he saw completely bewildered him. One would think that it would be normal to see children playing around and adults going about their daily lives, running the shops with signs of neon and vibrant colors. had all ceased. A soccer ball sat suspended in midair and a child along with it. Several people could be seen suspended while walking, in mid-step or already taking one. A dog or two might be seen frozen in place up against their owner. He was completely lost, it almost irritated him to an extent. Or maybe, it was just fear tightening its grip on his emotions.

"What the heck is going on?! I don't understand, people don't just freeze like this without a reason!" He looked around frantically. He was so very afraid of being alone, his childhood saw to that quite completely. As his breathing hastened, he could hear those familiar sounds...


His head perked up in horror as he saw the same black spots from his dreams appear on the walls of stores and on the sun draped ground before him. He darted backward. He needed to get away. He was positive he wasn't dreaming.


Run.Run.Run. That's all he could think of for the first minute of bolting. His shoes clicked down the alleyways and roads just as quickly as a sprinting horse. He cut through the air like a blade with his speed, jumping over boxes and sliding under the occasional alleyway pipe.

"No, no no no no! You can't be serious, HOW IS THIS REAL?! People are frozen and those horrid, darkness-brimming nightmare monsters are here?! None of this makes sense, how can they be real?! And is it me of all people that they've chosen to chase after!?" His mind quickly shifted to something he felt was much more important.

"I need to find somewhere safe to hide! Before they find me!" What was he running from? He didn't know and quite frankly at the moment, he didn't care. He had just woke up and things were already starting to look..."interesting"...

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