I swear y'all think y'all are so slick I love how you just follow me and then put negative comments under a old book that was there for almost I don't know how long I've been on this app like seven years right so are you just a new generation want to start some stuff too with the rest of the negative people die disc care for whatever the fuck happens to them I mean this is the Internet so I don't really mean that I'm being serious or not but if you take it seriously maybe you should get off right?? I can also show proof that you were commenting negative comments because my email is showing all the comments that I get from this app so honestly I'm not really hiding anything but you fake people are I'm just saying I might be older than all of y'all on here even though their are some that is way older than me maybe just don't call me if you don't like the shit that's not for you to see I mean this app is for everyone not for tiny people toddlers big babies well.... Yall caught me at a good moment I'm just saying I just let the whole relationship and I'm already dead inside and already pissed and upset so I don't mind taking it out on y'all come on just keep going I don't fucking care anymore I literally don't you can keep on talking bad about people's arts that they've been working so hard on I mean yeah it's two turtles OK it's a drawing not something real but if y'all really think it's real what's wrong with your real life like what's going on because you're just thinking everything is like real life I just wanna figure out what the hell is wrong with y'all??? You don't know, alright fûck you too
ᴿᴬᴺᴰᴼᴹ ˢᴱˣᵞ ᵀᴹᴺᵀ'ˢ ᴾᴵᶜᵀᵁᴿᴱˢ
Fanfictionᵀᴴᴵˢ ᴵˢ ᴬ ˢᴱˣᵁᴬᴸᴵᵀᵞ ᴾᴵᶜᵀᵁᴿᴱ ᴼᶠ ᵀᴹᴺᵀ, ˢᵂᴬᴳ ᵀᴹᴺᵀ ᴼᴿ ᵀᴴᴱ ˢᵀᴿᴱᴱᵀ ᴾᵁᴺᴷ ᵀᴹᴺᵀ ᴮᴼᴼᴷ ᴾᴵᶜᵀᵁᴿᴱˢ ˢᴼ ᴮᴱ ᴿᴱᴬᴰᵞ ᴸᴼᴸ ᴬᴺᴰ ᴴᴬᵛᴱ ᶠᵁᴺ🤤😍 Pics by Giochandoll And others ppls drawings Since there names are on the pics anyways 🙀