over a hamburger

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It was a party in an expensive penthouse, with expensive drinks, and rich people. Well, quidditch player rich anyways.

Quidditch is just like football and soccer and any muggle sport in a sense other than the actual mechanics. There are parties and deals, gambling, and all the other bullshit that goes with professional sports.

I sigh softly, leaning back against the wall, sipping a beer and looking around at all the suits and dresses. I liked the first few of these parties in the beginning of my career, but ever since they've become childish almost.

"778," A Scottish accent spoke next to me. I look over, he has brown hair and brown eyes. He's smiling slightly and looking around.

"What?" I ask, tilting my head. My eyes roam over his slight scruff of facial hair and the tailored suit that made me blush.

He takes a drink from his glass, firewhiskey, I can smell from where I stand. "I have been to 778 of these parties since I started," he pauses for a second, "twelve years ago."

I smile slightly, amused, "only around 400 for me. Only seven years."

He holds out a hand, "Oliver Wood, Puddlemere United."

I take it, "Y/N L/N, Montrose Magpies." After a second, we both said, "I know who you are."

We both smile and laugh, shyly looking down. "You're pretty famous, Miss L/N." He says, accent thick.

I take another sip from my drink with a playful eyeroll, "aren't we all?"

"I suppose," I watch him loosen his tie slightly, before he sighs, "you wanna get out of here, get a burger or something?"

I grin, "only because I want a cheeseburger."


"What're you doing?" Wood asks with a confused and amused look on his face.

I pause in my movements, some of my milkshake falling of my french fry. "What?"

"That." He points at my fry.

I actually laugh a little, "oh," I hold it out to him with a smile, "just try it."

He takes it and tries it, before nodding, "you are a genius Miss L/N." I smile.

"Burgers are one thing I miss about America." I hum, watching with a little smile as he takes the tomatoes off his. "They just taste different here."

"There's a lot of foods from home I miss." He replies and I grin.

"Let me guess, haggis." He rolls his eyes and throws a fry at me.

"Obviously." He says though.

"I've never had it."

Wood dips a fry in my shake, "my mother makes it best, we'll have to get her to make you some some time." And that maybe, solidified it, showed the interest in continuing whatever it is we have got going on.

"What's one food you'd give up everything, die for, kill for, swim the ocean for, give up quidditch for?" I ask with a grin.

"Cranachan," he says easily and my nose scrunches, shaking my head.

I hold up my fry covered in milkshake, "this baby right here."

The diner was practically empty and we were getting dirty looks from the workers, so we payed and left. "When did you start playing quidditch?" I ask him as we walk along a bridge that looks out at the ocean.

He snorts a bit, "as soon as I could ride a broom." He somehow dispersed of his suit jacket somewhere and his tie was almost pulled undone. "My second year at hogwarts." Wood answers more seriously. "What about you?"

"Second year at Ilvermorny," I smile. I look down at my shoeless feet, my heels had been giving me blisters all night and I was sick of it. "Have you always been a keeper?"

"Of course," he scoffs, "the best position."

"Nope," I shake my head vehemently, "beaters of course." I hold my chin up.

We laugh, but he stops quickly, "do you still love it?" Because do you love it is not a question a professional quidditch player is asked.

"Of course," I say easily.

"Me too." Wood says, "it's just," he hesitates.

I continue for him, "the attention?"

He let's out a breath, "yeah, I'm sick of it." I agree with him, the cameras, the fake stories, "not the fans, I love the people out there, it's just everything else."

"I know what you mean, me too." I say, stopping to look out at the water. "Have you ever thought of disappearing?" I turn back and see that hes looking at me with this look. It kind of makes my insides jump and I have to hold back a shy smile.

"Yes." Oliver answers quickly and I see a little red to his cheeks as he smiles at the ground, "a lot, just for a little while, like a vacation." He let's out a breath, "a lot of people would be shocked to hear me say that. Some Weasley's would probably hit me with a bludger." He laughed and I laughed to even though I had no idea who he was talking about. He made me smile.

"Just to get away from the cameras and the managers," I continue on, grinning a bit.

"Take a break." He nods a little, "so why not?" He tentatively says, now in front of me.

I look down, "I don't really have anywhere to go." Quidditch salaries aren't all that they are cracked up to be. "Why don't you?" I ask, looking up at him.

He rubs the back of his neck, before smiling at me, "too wimpy."

I smirk and we continue our walk. We make it back to the party, and stand outside. "It was," I pause, thinking, "refreshing meeting you."

He nods, "me too." He smiles and then his face changes, "I have a place." He says tentatively.

I raise an eyebrow, "we just went on a walk." I say, amused.

He sputters, "no, no, no, not like that," he says quickly, face red, "I mean to disappear at." He explains.

My eyebrows rise, "really?"

"I think it would be fun to," he pauses, articulating his wording, "do this together? Have someone to hang out with?" I grin at his shy and unsure behavior, and he smiles.


The Things We Love (Oliver Wood X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now