~Beginning of the Start~

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Chapter- 1

Opening the fridge to find nothing there is annoying. I'm starving and apparently I have to go to this party my friend invited me too. All because I missed her birthday. I hear the doorbell ring and I know it's her. Right as I open the door "Hey girl! Can't wait for this party right!?" My ears are ringing from her high pitched voice. "Uh yeah but you still have to tell me who's party it is. Remember?" She looked away slowly inviting herself inside and sat on the sofa. I watched her as I closed the door and walked over with my arms crossed over my chest.

She smiled innocently and clapped her hands together and took a deep inhale before letting it spill, "well Jordan don't get mad or anything ok." I nod, "It's actually Cole Smith's party and anyone's invited so I thought it would be cool if we went." I stood there silently for two seconds, "Seriously? The bad boy Cole Smith? The one who apparently shot a guy in the face and who dates every girl in the school. That Cole Smith?" She nodded slowly with a desperate grin on her face. I shrugged and said "well alright let's get ready." I was hungry and I knew there would be something at that party to eat.

Martha smiled and jumped up to hug me. She grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs to my room for us to get prepared. This was going to be a long night. She went into my closet and pulled out a dress for herself that I never wore. It was a tight multi colored dress, the top was violet and the bottom was black. I on the other hand found some red short shorts and a sleeveless blouse. I planned on wearing some black tights that stop half way up my thigh and some converse that were red also.

We got dressed and went to the bathroom to do our hair and makeup. I usually just wear eyeliner on the top of my eye and some on the bottom but I did full cat eye for tonight. I straightened my hair and teased it just a bit so when I get drunk it doesn't look that much different. Martha wore a messy bun and applied her makeup smoky and we got ready to leave. We went downstairs, "mom Martha and me are going to a party don't wait up!" I yelled loud enough to make sure she heard me, even if she didn't I can say that I told her.

I heard a car horn and Martha started her way out the door. I started to head out too but remembered I needed to grab my phone and my cigarettes. I ran outside to catch up with my girl to see that her boyfriend was leaning on the car. "Took y'all long enough." Martha giggled and kissed him on the lips and got into the car. He ran around and got in and so did I.

On the way there I lit a cigarette and started to think about whose party it was again. I couldn't believe I was going to Cole Smith's party. Honestly I think I'm invisible at school. Not because I'm lame but because I choose to not socialize with fake people. I was getting even hungrier thinking about the party. Hopefully there was something there, I could soon see a massive house in the distance.

Chapter- 2

Everyone stepped out the car and headed to the entrance. I threw my cigarette on the floor and stepped on it. Martha looked back at me and smiled, I raised my eyebrows and headed in. It was super crowded. There were people here I didn't even know went to my school. I signaled Martha to come with me to find the beer. We walked down the crowded hall and I look to find a door. There was an open space which lead to the living room and another that I assumed was the kitchen. There was a guy standing next to the alcohol "what would you like ladies?" I asked for brandy and coke and he made it right away as well as Martha's request.

I drank my drink and looked around at everyone. I saw people I use to know and people I know now. I also saw a lot of people who nobody liked. I guess this party really was meant for anyone to come. Martha heard her favorite song and leaded me to the living room. She started dancing and lip singing the song towards the center of the living room. I looked at her a little weird at first and thought I might as well start dancing too. I took another sip of my drink just in case it was knocked out of my hand and started to shake my ass.

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