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There I sat, simple and refined, dressed in my best of clothes. A crisp white button down with a black pair of dress pants. My over coat hung behind me on the back of the chair I chose to sit in. Under the bar top, my leg bounced impatiently. Not one person had approached me. It was starting to piss me off. Here I had come on my own time, dressed so nicely, only to sit in a place which I could already tell was covered in filth, just to have no one hit on me. I was ready to get up and leave until a short, ginger-haired boy came up to me.

"Hello there, you seemed rather lonely so I figured I could come sit by you." He spoke.

Despite the fact he already reeked of alcohol, I gave him a nod. "Sure. Have a seat and we'll get you a drink, on me of course."

I had to play my cards correctly. He was rather handsome and you could see the muscles peek from beneath his button down. His face was soft and kind almost like a wise old lady. I shook my head, ridding the thought from my head. That was not something to think of when looking for someone to sleep with.

I shot a glance to a bar tender to bring over another glass of liquor as well as a Bloody Mary, the Ginger's request. I turned to face him as the glasses were sat down in front of us.

"So, care to tell me why you approached me so casually?" I asked as I picked up my glass.

"Well when I first got here, I thought you were very good lookin' and stuff." He took a sip of his drink. "I was gunna ask you out after I had a couple cups just so I'd have the courage to talk to you."

I pondered his words. He sought me out the moment he got here but he didn't dare ask me out sober. He wasn't an ideal partner but he'd do for tonight. I needed to get this want out of my system.

"Why don't you tell me your name ginger? I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi," I said.

"I'm Hinata Shoyo," he spoke with a hiccup.

"What do you say I take you home tonight and we can have a bit of fun? That sounds nice to you doesn't it?" I continued as I drank the rest of the contents of my cup.

"Oh! Well yeah, that does sound nice," he quickly copied my action.

He quickly chugged down the last of his drink and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. I cringed at that but shook it off. I would finally get myself a decent partner for tonight. I rose and extended a hand to him after picking up my coat.

"Let's get a move on then Shoyo, we wouldn't want your liquid courage to wear off now would we?" I asked as I lead him outside.

He laughed and nodded, "You've got that right."

I flagged down a cab and gave him my address. It was only a few minutes or so away. We had no troubles getting there, Shoyo had even started to get all handsy in the car. Before anything could escalate in the poor cab driver's presence, I paid him and pulled Shoyo out of the car and into the complex.
We took the elevator up and once more Shoyo could not keep his hands to himself.

"Calm down grass hopper, you can have at it once you shower and brush your teeth," I scolded and led him out of the elevator.

He let out a pained whine but mumbled an agreement. I typed in my password and the door clicked open.

"You can go ahead and use the bathroom on the right. There should be towels, body wash, and a tooth brush in there. You can wear the robe and come out once you're done," I instructed.

He nodded and giggled, "I'll be out before you know it Sakusa, I'll even prep myself a bit just for you."

He wondered off into the bathroom to start his shower and I prepared the guest room. As if we were going to do such a thing in my bed. I untucked the heavy top blanket and rolled it back. I took out a small bottle of lube and a condom. Now we just had to wait for him to come back out.


He slowly made his way into the room, his hair still damp and his robe barely tied together. You could see his amazing build beyond the white fuzzy cloth.
I pat the bed, telling him silently to come over.

"Sakusa, I'm ready," he spoke as he climbed atop the bed and took off the robe.

I took in his body. He had muscle, not a lot but enough to show off for. He was a bit pale but still had a bit of glow from a possible winter vacation. I let my hands trace his figure. He shivered at the contact.

"Your hands are a bit cold," he spoke softly as he squirmed.

"Ah, I see," I reached over for the lube and flicked the bottle open.

I squeezed some of the jelly like substance onto my fingers before closing it back up and setting it onto the small dresser. I pressed my fingers to his hole, he once more shivered at the gesture. I could tell he did a bit of loosening up in the shower as my fingers slid into him quite easily.

He let out a whine and bucked his hips. He sure was impatient. I quickly loosened him up a bit more before removing my fingers and wiping them off on a small towel. I then reached for the condom. I ripped it open with ease and slid it on.

"What's your safe word Shoyo?" I asked and looked down at him.

With his face flushed pink, he gave me his word: "Sunshine."


I was unhappy to say the least. I sat, running a hand through my hair as he packed up his things and left. Perhaps it was my attitude. I did make him shower and brush his teeth before we started, but he followed my demands like a puppy. He didn't understand. No one really understands. My sex life is unsettled. Could I top? Yes of course I could. I could easily dominate if the occasion called for it, such as the event with Shoyo, but this wasn't the case now.

I yearned for something other then the simple look of pain and pleasure written across a man's face. It had taken me so long to figure out what I actually wanted. It wasn't to find that look on a man but for it to be etched across my own face. I wanted to feel that rush, that feeling, that ecstasy of pleasure.

I wanted to be a sub.


𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗼𝘆 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆-𝗖𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗿Where stories live. Discover now