chapter one

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People can be such suck-ups.

Why the fuck does everyone bow down to this kid like he's some type of god?

He's been here for less than a year and Eliot Mason has everyone's attention, and it's so fucking annoying.

He does this he does that, bla bla. The kid does it all at this point!

"You look like a vein is about to pop out of your head V, calm down." My brother Michael tells me. Twin brother.

We share pretty much every single feature, except in our very own ways we're different.

Brown hair, Brown eyes.

My brother doesn't see my view of the situation considering he's friends with this Eliot guy, he has been since he joined the soccer team at least.

I don't talk to my brother about my thoughts, especially not these. It's not something I think I should be telling him.

"I am calm," I reply. Michael rolls his eyes like normal and continues to drive.

This is my last year of high school and I think I've come pretty far from where I started at.

My grades were good for the past 3 years and I don't want anything coming in the way of that. Nothing can.

Michale parks the car and once he's done, he unlocks the door and we get out of the car and walk into the school building.

Everyone else is just arriving with us, the freshmen look like they are about to shit their pants. They probably will.

Being new to a school can be scary. As fuck.

"You're here!" My friend Solar hugs me.


We pull away from each other and I notice that Michael has already walked away from me and is standing beside his friends. Like usual.

His friends are all his teammates, well basically.

"He's gotta stop doing that." Solar shakes her head.

She's always hated Michael, why? I wish I knew.

They just don't like each other, they argue when they're in one another's presents and it's always over the smallest things.

"Remind me again why you don't like my brother?"

She sighs as I ask the questions, "He's just annoying and he's been the same since we were kids."

I and Solar became friends though Michael, Solar was Michaels's friend before she became mine. Friends is an overstatement.

They both haven't changed one bit.

Michael, has brown hair and brown eyes with small freckles around his cheeks and nose bridge.

Solar, brown hair as well, very pretty eyes. They all look the same but a bit of age has been added to them.

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