😻 Chapter 2 ( Sexy mesty big booty bestie)

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8 hours later 😼👌🏿

I went downstairs to get some water from the fridge when I saw Ethan watching tv
I thought to myself what would happen if I went in front of him.

I grabbed a glass of water to drink until I saw him looking at me smirking

(😻bitch he loves you already😻👌🏿)

He got up and started walking towards me and my heart starting beating faster

He grabbed me and placed me on the kitchen table

I gasped

He came closer towards me and placed his hands around my waist

I didn't know what to do or say but as I tried to do something

He kissed me.

I was surprised by what he did but then he starting moving his hands up and down my body

I got butterflys

He pulled back then started kissing my neck.

(Crazy how they met like not even 24 hours ago and they caught feelings, ALREADY😪I wouldn't blame them tho)

I let out a soft moan and I felt him smiling on my neck

He started going harder until his phone rang

He pulled away and took out his phone with one hand still on my waist

He answered his phone

Then I heard a female's voice.

I was kinda jealous but I didn't say anything.

I tried to get of the kitchen table to walk away but he wouldn't let me go

(😥wish this was me)

He put his phone down and lifted me up then carried me to the big comfy family couch we had

He carried his phone as well

He say down on the couch with me still in his arms then placed me on his lap

He put his phone on speaker and placed it on side

I didn't know what to do so I just started adjusting myself

He groaned as I was adjusting

The girl in the phone must of heard because he asked him what was going on.

He kept looking at me and then he took his hand and pulled my face closer to his.

(😍I have exam today peeps and I'm supposed to be sleeping but hey😀)

He kissed me and pulled away

His loving pov

I pulled away and look at her.

She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen

Dark chocolate eyes
Black hair
Small sexy body

But I loved her for her.

I met her a few hours ago but I already wanted her all to myself.

Then I forgot kim

She was my best friends girl
She cheated on him but he got back together with her
Now she wants me.

(As you can see, idk how to make povs so nuh bully mi ,thank yuh very much)

I hanged up my phone and put it on silent.

I only had time for Estella.

(I can't make not povs help)

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