" Chapter One „

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" Be strong now because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever. "


The orange sunset, and the olive groves flames on the far hill. They descend into the lunging shadows of goat grass, and the air deepens like smoke. ' How suffocating. , Kenopsia mentally cursed, his teeth gritted under his jackal mask. A man stood there behind him, although when he turned there was wrangling of snow white owls and the long grass rising in the wind. All around Kenopsia, the thousand small denials of the day. Rose like insects of the flaming of an old truth, someone alone following a broken trail of stones towards the deep and starless river. " Oh my, „ Kenopsia murmured, he allowed his back to face the threat. " I always knew owls were an excellent hunter, but I had low expectations for you. „

The man hummed. " Even owls can smell the stench of a dog. „ He commented behind his own mask, he watched the raven haired man turn his gaze. " Ukiyo—. „ His tongue spat the owl's name. " Only here to pester me? „
Kenopsia tilted his head, though, his smile behind the mask was nothing less than amused. " Who do I owe the pleasure of sending me a pretty bird? „ Ukiyo didn't spare a reaction, he stood there in silence before he finally said. " Not even the King himself would pray such a fate on me, „

Kenopsia smiled, his pearl white teeth would never see the light of day as the world cursed them with the chains of a mask. " Oh? „ He hummed. " You mean, you came here to see little ol' me on your own? „ Again, no worthy reaction. Ukiyo was such a stoic man, always so serious and the dog found it more of a reason to tease harder. The man hummed again, ignoring Kenopsia's pointless remarks as he took in a sight behold. The field of long grass which endlessly danced with the breeze didn't even compare to the cliff that dangled below like a void.

Ukiyo took a sigh from his pale lips. He enjoyed the slight moment of silence the other man allowed him to have, though surprised the dog could keep his snout close for that long.
" Kenopsia—, „ The owl broke the silence, the other was the one to hum this time. " We were called. „ The dog cocked his brow. " Called—? „

" Hiraeth wishes to see us, „ Ukiyo explained as he turned on his feet, he began to walk away.
" Hiraeth? „ Kenopsia repeated in question.
" What does he want with us? „

" Not just us, „ The owl stated, walking further ahead. He didn't spare him a glance. " He called for all the magicians. „ The wind was no where near as suffocating as it was before, it was like, each breeze was a clear path for them to walk. Being a magician in Everynn was no where near as easy, each step in public towns was much compared to a carriage carrying a man who killed another. Except tomatoes were not being thrown, they were stones. Magicians were often stoned for having the wonders of magic no matter if they used it for good or evil.

Kenopsia followed, each step caused the grass underneath their feet to wilt. " It's been a while, has it not? „ The dog magician commented, his blue eyes watched his foot step in front of another. His voice almost seemed anxious; the owl, being as wide as he is, couldn't help but notice. " It has, „ Ukiyo simply said, his finger cracked the bones of the other. " Aren't you excited? „

The dog hummed a noise of uncertainty, his eyes darted across the land as they inches closer and closer to the shop. He seemed to hesitate his reply. " I guess. „ Kenopsia murmured. " We haven't been to The Rune in centuries. „ Ukiyo shook his head. " That isn't what I mean, and you know it. „ Kenopsia bit his lip, quick harshly. He avoided the question, he answered it wrong, in hope to pass by. " Are you not excited to see your brothers again? „
The owl reworded. Kenopsia was right, he and Ukiyo haven't been to The Rune in centuries. The dog magician was often on the run, not from danger, but more so of his family. His only family, his brothers. " I am, „ Kenopsia answered.

" Though this goes against why I left in the first place. „ He was now walking beside the other male, leaving Ukiyo to have a chance to look into the eyes of the mask. Kenopsia's icy blue unmistakably looked alone, as if his mind wondered elsewhere and he allowed it to try and escape. He wanted a moment to feel like he wasn't on his way to The Rune. " If you don't me asking, Kenopsia. „ Ukiyo called out, pulling the man out from his drowning thoughts. " Why did you run from the shop? „

The question caught the dog off guard, he fell silent for two seconds too long. " Kenopsia, „
Ukiyo called out again, this time he allowed himself to worry as his voice dripped with it.
" There is a reason, I know there is. „ He assured his partner that he knew. The dog shook his head, he opened his mouth to speak but closed it immediately once a bustling voice filled his ears. " Keno! „ The dog stumbled backwards as a small form wrapped itself around his legs. The child's voice was muffled between the rabbit mask and the man's body.

" Kalon—, „ Kenopsia's little brother's name nearly got caught in his throat, like a frog choking on its own croak. His voice was softened, his usually teasing tone was no where to be seen as he replaced it with a loving one. The rabbit magician pulled away while he lifted his head, his similar blue eyes looked up into his older brother's ones. " Keno! Did you miss me? Did you? „ He cheered, he didn't have a single worry on why Kenopsia left him in the first place. Kalon was just overjoyed to have him back.

" Now, Now, Kalon. „

The lion roars. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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