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After a very long boring, I was ready to go home to my beautiful pregnant wife. The past seven months of my life had been very rocky and emotional. I think her emotional side really came through because she cries every chance she gets. When she can’t see her feet, she cries. When she is too tired to get out of bed, she cries. Basically she cries for anything and everything. One thing we always argue about is her hacking. Lisa is not someone who hacks for a few minutes and be like ‘I am in’ like those TV hackers. She spends hours and hours breaking down firewalls and proving how weak some security systems are.

I get home and find my mother drinking tea with one of my aunts, aunt Thenjiwe. After her grieving period, mom bought a house in Mthunzini and that’s where she resides now, but she often comes to the house just to check on us, mostly on my troublesome young wife.

“Hey mom and auntie.” I greet them and then take the seat next to mom. I always take off my invincible crown when I am interacting with my family.
“Hey son. You look good. I would say your wife’s cooking is making you glow but that’s not the case. She is treating you good, neh?” mom smiles at me and I roll my eyes.
“Where is she?” I ask and she chuckles.

“She only came down to greet us and then said she is coming back in a few minutes. We all know what that means.” Everyone in the family knows that statement means she is busy with something in her office and she is just brushing you off nicely.

“Has she eaten something?” mom shakes her head no. “I will be back soon.” I head to the kitchen and find one of the helpers placing a small fruit platter and juice on a tray. When she notices me, she bows.

“Is that for my wife?” she nods. “Then I will take it from here, thank you. Please prepare some finger foods for my wife and I and also our guests.”

“Of course, Shamase.” I take the tray and journey to my wife’s office. I enter and find her busy tapping on her keyboard. She is yawning and she knows she is not supposed to drink coffee or an energy drink for strength.

“Mababy.” She lifts her head to look at me and she smiles.
“You’re back.”
“And you’re being rude to our guests.” She frowns for a few seconds and then remembers something.

“Shit. Uma is downstairs with aunt Thenjiwe. Sorry, baby, it slipped my mind. I was this close to hacking some offshore account and emptying all the billions inside.” I sigh and walk in. I sit on the couch and place the tray on the coffee table. She eyes it and then shuts down her computer. She can’t say no to food. She comes to sit next to me and starts devouring her sandwiches.

“What did I say about hacking?” she just pouts and concentrates on her food. “Do you want me to confiscate all your gadgets for the rest of your pregnancy, because I don’t mind doing that? The amount of pressure and stress that comes with hacking is not good for the baby. You heard what the doctor said.” She huffs.

“I can’t just sit around, do nothing and get fat all the time. Unlike you, my duties are lame, especially now that I am pregnant. I wake up, shower and eat. I nap and then eat. My life is all about sleeping and eating. I don’t like that. It’s that type of thing that will cause me so much stress. I can’t deal.”

“Can I eat in peace?” I sigh.

“Well how about we take a holiday? Any place in the world. Maybe we can go to that place where we first met.” She gives me a side smile but doesn’t say anything. “And then we can go skinny dipping in a private island where nobody knows you. We can go to a spa and get massages, even waxing.” She caves in and breaks into laughter. Last time I went waxing with her, let’s just say I had to pay a lot of people to keep quiet about my screams. My wife made fun of me the whole week. Whenever she saw my dick, she would just laugh, until I reminded her who is boss.

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