🥀Chapter Forty One🥀

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I was awoken by the sound of someone grunting. I blinked a few times to adjust to the light as I looked around. I spotted Zed on the bed sleeping with his gun on his chest. I stayed still trying to debate what was the best thing to do. He could be testing me and if I tried anything it will result in me getting either shot or a terrible slap.

I couldn't sit here and think about that,  this was my chance. I stood up slowly trying to be as quiet as I could. I knew the door was locked and the key was most likely in his pocket. The first thing I did was take up the jacket and took out the coins I saw earlier. My heart leapt from my chest when a few of the coins fell on the floor.

He twitched but didn't wake up. I sighed in undeniable relief before calmly placing the jacket back to how it was. I went over to his side and notice the keys were right on the pillow next to him. I calmed my breathing and reached over hoping I wouldn't wake him. I took up the keys clutching them tightly so they wouldn't make any noise.

I didn't know if I should take the gun or not. His fingers was on it so taking it would be too risky. I turned the bathroom light on and closed the door as a way to make him think that I wasn't gone. I slowly unlocked the door and opened it gently. I looked at back at Zed before leaving the room completely. My heart started racing again as I closed the door and took off.

There was an elevator down the long hall but it was slow as hell. I heard some talking coming from around the corner and I hid in a small cleaning room that was only big enough for one person. I didn't know who they were but one of them said something that struck me.

"You're late and you know Zed doesn't like to wait"

They were working for Zed and was making their way to his room. I had to leave here as fast as possible. I listened as their footsteps retreated and I left the room checking around as I did so. Right now I was more of a secret agent than anything. I went to the elevator and pressed the button to go to the bottom floor. I didn't know what to think. I didn't know how many more men who worked here knows Zed and would give me up to him. I couldn't trust anyone.

The elevator came to a stop and the door opened. No one was around which was good. I fixed my hair and straightened my face and walked out. I couldn't look suspicious so I avoid the people that were around eyes and I count help but notice how the receptionist was looking at me as I left the hotel. The place was dark but after I was an ok distance away I took off.

I ran until I couldn't anymore. I was so relieved to see a phone booth across the street. I hurriedly crossed and went inside. I didn't notice how shaky my hands were until I was trying to put the coins into the slots. I took a few deep breaths and eventually calmed down. I dialed Devin's number and waited for him to pick up but he didn't.

"Come on pick up...pick up"

I sighed before dialing his number again. There was still no answer. I felt defeated for a few seconds before someone I would never thought of involving in this came to mind. I added the last coins I had and dialed his number. I waited anxiously before he finally picked up.

"Vanessa, it must be something important why you're calling me this time of the night, are you needing something?".

"Chai I need your help please...I know this may sound crazy and unbelievable but...I've been kidnapped and right now I got away but I don't know for how long , please I need your help!"

"Ok first calm down, where are you exactly?"

"I..I don't know...I am at a phone booth right now and I see this Cafe across the road called 'Greta's' -

"Wow, you're really far from the city, it may take me a while to get there. Here is what, find somewhere near ths Cafe to stay and I'll be there for you as soon as I can"

"Thank you so much, I promise I'll explain everything", I replied rapidly with a voice full of hope.

"You better, just be safe until I get there".

The line went dead and I exhaled deeply. All I had to do was find somewhere safe to stay so Zed can't find me. Because I knew that when he noticed that I'm missing its going to be hell. I saw a jacket on a chair beside an old man who was sleeping and I wasn't no their but I needed it more than him at this point. I put it and wrapped it around myself before crossing the street.

I went inside the Cafe and only about six people were inside. I sat at the very back as I waited for Mordechai to find me. I knew I had to explain everything detail to him because this is not something you shake off. He deserved to know. I glanced outside and my eyes widen as I saw Romario and two other guys with thei backs turned looking around. I did the only thing I could and jumped over the counter and hid under it which the barista wasn't happy about.

"Hey what are you doing", she said as she stooped and looked at me.

"Please I can't let them find me - the men outside".

She saw my frightened state and stood up to justify my statement. I heard the door being pulled and my heart started beating faster than ever. I just hoped this girl wouldn't give me away. I'm putting my trust in a stranger for once.

"Hi, I'm not buying anything. Actually I'm looking for a woman around this height, pretty with black hair, have you seen her by any chance?", I heard Zed say as I pictured the girl's face. She must be terrified. I didn't mean to put her in this situation, it just happened.

"No I haven't, not much person's goes to a Cafe at nights. Maybe try out a restaurant?", she replied so casually.

"I don't think she has any cash on her...but I will. Thanks for your time".

I heard their footsteps retreating before the door opened and closed. I sighed in relief as I felt like I could breath again. I felt the tears brimmed to my eyes. I was really going through this shit.

"Hey, are you alright? I understand why you're afraid, I would be too they seem pretty terrifying".

"Yeah they are. I'm sorry for putting you through this trouble", I replied but she only smiled at me.

"It's alright, do you mind staying around the back, it's better than being here?"

"I don't mind, what's your name by the way?"

"I'm Kayleigh, yours?"


I followed her to the back as she gave me somewhere to sit. I accepted it but after the went to on the outside I hit the floor. I felt better on the ground because my body was in a different mode. I hugged my knees to my chest and stared at the light bulb.

I wondered how far Daryl was. I just want this night to be over already. I felt drained to the brim and I was so hungry and thirsty. Even if Zed did find me again I couldn't make it far due to my lack of energy. I closed my eyes as I tried to steady my clouded mind.


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