🥀Chapter Forty Two🥀

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I was awoken by someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and came face to face with Mordechai. I never felt more relieved to see someone else in my life. Without thinking I wrapped my arms around his neck and surprisingly he held my close to his body. His hands went to my cheeks as he checked my face for any injuries. He looked at my wrist and saw the small marks on them.

"Vanessa, tell me you're alright, your not hurt"

"I'm fine...I'm just so tired", I replied lazily as I rest my head on his chest. His hands gripped my waist tighter as he pulled me closer to him. We stayed like that for a few seconds before we were interrupted by Kayleigh.

"The men are coming back I think they know you're here, you have to go. There's a door around the back, it will lead you out front", she says as Mordechai took my hand.

"Thanks for everything", I say as Mordechai pulled me along with him. I only hope Zed doesn't hurt her because I don't think I would forgive myself. We saw the door she was talking about and Mordechai opened it as we were greeted with the strong night breeze.

"Let's go", he said as we made our way down the sidewalk. We stayed close to the corners because Zed's men could be anywhere.

"How far is your car?", I asked as I followed keenly behind him. I knew this wasn't the time but his had felt good around mine.

"Not that far. Stay here".

I watched as he released my hand and went off further into the darkness. The Café had see through windows so I hope he was being cautious. I waited anxiously as I looked around the darkness. Something was off. There was no one out here. If Zed had suspected me being here he would've had men all around this area.


A hand came around my mouth and waist as I struggled to break free. I glanced up and saw that it was one of Zed's men. I bit his hand making him relsews me instantly whilst in pain as I took off. I ran into Mordechai on my way but what made my heart missed a beat was the sound of a gunshot.

My mind went to Kayleigh and I swore I was going to faint. I didn't register what was happening before me until I saw a fist connected with the man's face. Mordechai shook his wrist off before suddenly picking me up and going off towards his car. I was still in a different state of mind even when he started it and drove off.

"Vaness!, hey stay with me you'll be fine", he said as I felt a hand on mine. I laid back in the seat not knowing how I was going to cope with the reality that he could've shot Kayleigh. I glanced over at Mordechai who seemed to be lost in thought. I couldn't read his mind but I knew he was thinking about what had just happened. Not only did I not know if he had feelings for me or not, but tonight I risked his life.

"Ok that was quite an adventure", he said with a laugh but it wasn't really a laugh. I felt bad for involving him in this but I couldn't change it.

"I'm sorry for involving you in this", I say as he looked over at me.

"That's the thing Vanessa, what is this? Why are those men after you? Don't tell me you did something illegal?".

I almost laughed out but I refrained myself from doing so. Me doing something illegal? If I did something illegal I would have to turn myself in because a chase with the cops won't end well.

"No ofcourse not...I think it's worst than that", I say as I looked up at him. The next few minutes was just silence as we were both deep in our thoughts. I knew things won't be the same from here on now. Maybe I had to leave the city sooner than I thought.


As we entered the elevator I sat on the floor. I was just too drained to stand. Mordechai was looking at me but he didn't utter a word. My mind went back to when he lifted me and carried me towards the car. I felt my cheeks heating up and I turned my face away to hide them. It was late so he took me to his penthouse and I'll be going home in the morning.

"It's not lady like to sit on the floor", he said after a few seconds and I stared up at him.

"Well I'm no lady Mordechai", I replied as he hummed and smiled. It was a real smile and if hearts could melt mine would be peeling away. This was what I was afraid of - developing feelings. It was too dangerous but now I feel as if there's no going back. I didn't even know he had feelings for me! Even if he did...it would be chaos because of his family especially his dad.

The elevator came to a stop and I stood up and followed him out. I half smiled remembering the time I came here and he gave me stacks of documents to complete. He took me down a hall and into what appears to be his room. He closed the door before doing the one thing I didn't expect him to -

Started taking off his shirt.

I turned and went towards the couch and sat down. I turned my face away from him and stared at the table instead.


I looked up instantly and came face to face with a six pack and a tattoo. I found myself staring a bit too long but I just couldn't turn away. He started coming closer and next thing he had trapped me on the couch. Seems familiar, I thought as I remembered what happened in the office.

His hand reached out and touched my cheek. I didnt even flinch. I was too frozen to move. He held my chin before moving closer to my ear and whispering something.

"You need a shower"

I pulled back and pushed him away. He started laughing as he retracted himself and went towards his closet. I felt myself smiling as I recalled what he just did.

"You can use the bathroom", he said as he handed me some clothes and a towel. I took them gently and got up and went towards the bathroom. I closed the door making sure to lock it before taking off my clothes. I really did need a shower. It felt so good when the water touched my body. I washed my hair and everywhere I could. The body wash a mixture of coconut and lavender and no doubt expensive.

After exiting the shower I dried myself with the towel. I knew what was coming next. I had to tell him everything. I sighed feeling another weight on my shoulders as I pulled on the shorts he gave me. I pulled on the shirt and I literally moaned from how comfy it felt. I opened the door and peaked out to see him sitting on the couch eating. My stomach grumbled at the thought of food.

I walked over to wear he was and sat down the opposite side. He stared at me from head to toe for the longest time before averting his eyes.

"You must be hungry, eat what you want", he said as I gratefully accepted the food and started eating a bit of everything. Ofcourse I wasn't eating like a lady but I didn't care. I was too hungry to eat decent.

"You still haven't told me why those men wanted you".

I stopped chewing half way and sat back on the couch. I didn't know if I should start from the beginning or just get to the point. I played with my fingers as I released a deep breath and starter my explanation.

"Back then...I didn't have anyone. I didn't have any money or anyone to turn to. I met this girl who told me introduced me to a type of work that I didn't want to join at first but I had to. Her boss, Zed the one I worked for gave me everything. I got tips when I danced...", I say stopping at the last part as I watched his expression. His face was blank as he kept looking at me so I continued.

"I was a stripper and yes I danced for money. I spent two years working there until I decided that I couldn't anymore. So I ran away and now Zed wants me back. He kidnapped me and was planning to take me to a club in LA to work for him again. I...I just couldn't do it. I've worked so hard to leave that life behind and I built something here. I have plans and dreams and even thou my past still haunts me I-"

My voice broke and I knew there were tears in my eyes. I stood up because I didn't want him to see me crying. I went one side and wiped my eyes as I tried to calm my breathing. I didn't know how long I stood there but I was brought back when I felt hands on my waist. I turned around and was greeted with Mordechai who pulled me into his chest.

That's when I let the tears flow free. I broke down showing that I was vulnerable no matter the wall I had put up. We were all humans and that's what made us who we were. We all had feelings sometimes trying to hold onto them for so long can cause a big meltdown when you finally let them go.

He rubbed my back as I soaked his chest with my tears. This was definitely a night to remember.


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