Chapter 2: Anger and smoke don't mix Pt. 1

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Ever since Paul had become my legal guardian we had taken small steps towards a more 'family' like relationship. I had always been more than just a student for him but, now that he had the legal right to have a say in every aspect of my life, things had started to change little by little. Some for the good, some not so much.

The truth was I liked having Paul as my guardian. He was caring, he was responsible and he made me feel safe. Downside, he was also controlling, obsessive and a neat freak. I mean seriously. He'd scold me at least once a week about the dirty dishes, the undone laundry and my disorganized bookshelf (yes, he did do that). When I went to Europe, I have to admit that I was relieved to escape Paul's controlling policies for a few months. He'd still call me every single day, but at least he was too far away to verify if I had eaten a proper lunch or not.

When I came back to school and to my new apartment, I felt the walls closing in. In that institution he wasn't only my guardian, he was my teacher and tutor. He had several levels of authority over me and we'd see each other for many hours in the day. There was no way of telling him how overbearing he was being, because he always had one card to play: it's all for your own good.

Well I didn't feel that good, which is why I was currently wandering around in the empty hallways before my daily meeting with my tutor. Needless to say they didn't even think of giving me a different one this year.

"Hey babe. What are you doing here so late?" Val asked me while offering me her right arm so I could join them in the middle of the huddle.

"I took an extra foreign language class. I have to stay with Paul until late anyways" I explained as our feet dragged on the floor from side to side in perfect coordination. It was something stupid we did ever since we were little.

"And we all know what that was. Stupid German, you should be taking Spanish with us" my friend rolled her eyes, making Jazz snicker on her left.

"Not in a million years. And it wasn't German, mind you. It was French" I corrected her quickly with a sassy look. I was killing it in that class too. I guess languages were my thing.

"Ah, the language of l'amour" Jazz took the chance to tease, battering her long eyelashes towards me but I had something else in my mind.

"Yeah... speaking of it. Is every single person in this building damn horny or is it just me?" I huffed seeing absolutely everyone holding hands, kissing and even girls sitting on their boyfriends laps.

"It's the season I guess" Jazz giggled as we passed by another couple being scolded by teachers for making out in the hallways. I definitely needed to see my own boyfriend after class. "I'm definitely seizing"

"Really? I thought you were really hooked up with Taylor" I asked feeling a little bit surprised. Those two were meant to be for sure, but Jazz never stood in one place for long. Not after... you know.

"Meh, you know. After the whole mess with Josh I definitely gave up on relationships until I graduate" she stated matter-of-factly and I couldn't help but agree with her. It did make a lot of sense.

"I remember you were sooo into Jamie at first... until we learned he's gay" Valerie teased her, recalling her early crush on our nerdy friend.

"I still have a weak spot for him. Just like Jess with Carton" she countered back wittly.

"Hey! He's my partner in crime, that's all. I don't need a jealous scene from you-know-who right now" I grumbled in annoyance while checking the surroundings for my boyfriend. Nope, the cost was clear.

"Well you're gonna have one right now. We are your partners in crime" she replied as both of them were getting ready for a major tantrum, so I jumped ahead.

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