Chapter 13 - Final

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The day of your birthday

" Congratulations Lady Y/n!"

" Yes congratulations on your engagement!"

" Aw thank you " you smiled at Mary and Maria 

" I can't believe you are going to be my sister in law!" Sophia beamed with sparkles in her eyes " Are you going to take our family name? Or does my brother have to take yours?"

" Euhm well...we haven't discussed that matter" you nervously scratched your neck

" Sophia! Lady Y/n just got engaged! So I think it's a little too early to talk about that " Mary said with her hands on her hips

" Marriage..." you mumbled under your breath and glanced at your fiancé who stood on the other side of the ballroom 

" That's right...In the future I'll either be Y/n Claes or Y/n Ascart. But knowing mother she'll probably try to convince Nicole to become a Claes" 

" That may be true but for now you don't have to worry about that just yet" the sweet voice of your sister Katarina made you shift your head her way 

" As of this instant, all you have to do is enjoy your engagement and birthday celebration while feasting on these delicious treats" she said the last part with hearts in her eyes while pointing at the table that was pilled up with different kinds of foods

Feeling your mouth water, you were about to follow the brown haired woman when all of sudden your parents asked for everyone's attention

" Dear friends " you father exclaimed " I would like to thank you all for coming on this very special night"

' Oh no...'

" As you all know my daughter Y/n just turned eighteen which is why we're have this party" he said while pointing at you, making everyone look your way with smiles on their faces

" However there is another reason why we're having this celebration"

" Please no..." you whimpered 

" And that is that as of today, my daughter Y/n Claes is officially engaged to Nicole Ascart, son of the prime minister. So let us all raise our glass and wish them both a lifetime of happiness "

Had your mother not been staring at you warningly to stay put, you would've definitely fled out of the room

Feeling your cheeks heat up at the sound of everyone clapping their hands while congratulating you, you sincerely hoped that this wall your ' beloved' parents had planned

However to your misfortune it didn't end there...

Because the next thing you knew Katarina started to push you towards the center of the ballroom, where people were making space by forming a big circle 

" What are you doing?" you asked confused

" What do you think" the girl grinned " It's time for your first dance with your fiancee "

Eyes widening, you wiped your head around and saw that in the middle of the circle stood the man in question. His posture was straight, with one of his arms placed on his back while the other was at his side

Giving you one final push, Katarina went to stand in the once open opening that was now sealed

Having no way of escaping this situation, you were left with no choice but to walk towards the black haired male

" Lady Y/n" Nicole bowed and offered his hand " May I have this dance? "

Though you originally didn't want to, all it took was one look at your fiancee charming smile and you automatically placed your hand in his

Grabbing you by the waist, you put your hand on his shoulder and as soon as the music started, the two of you began to walt's in the center of the circle for a good amount of time


" I'm so sorry about that" you said while pressing your back on the railing of the balcony " I didn't know that they planned this"

" It's alright" Nicole smiled and went to stand beside you " But are you alright? You seem a little fatigued?"

" I'm okay" you reassured " I just didn't know that dancing required so much energy. But maybe the problem is my condition. After all I usually don't dance at parties"

" Me neither" the boy admitted 

Shifting your gaze from your fiancee to the sky, you stared at the twinkling stars and smiled. Seeing thousands of white dots in the dark atmosphere along with the muffled music from inside the castle, created the perfect ambience to relax

However that moment would quickly be interrupted when you felt the warmth of your fiancee's hand envelop yours

Gazing at him, you thought that it couldn't be possible, but you swore that his usual charming smile looked even more brighter. Which made you question how on earth did you managed to stay on to your feet

Bringing your hand towards his lips, Nicole placed a soft kiss on your knuckles, making not only your heart melt but also flush your face a dark crimson red color

" Lady Y/n"

Knowing that if you tried to speak you would probably be a stuttering mess, all you did was nod your head to let the boy know you were listening

Understanding your message, Nicole gently took a hold of your other hand, let out a shaky breath and finally, with an overjoyed feeling inside his chest, said the three words he thought he would never get to say

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- The end - 

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( Rewriting/editing ) I love her - Nicole Ascart x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now