The Vampire fruit bat

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It was a late stormy night and Fantoccio was making a new play in his theatre. He still liked his theatre or as Billie calls it 'a dusty old mess' He didn't like that name he was just writing mindlessly when he heard a sound it wasn't that loud but was noticeable. He looked up from his paper and looked around he didn't see anything. "Hello who's there" he asked. He didn't get a response until he seen a black blur fly past him. "Eh... WHOS THERE SHOW YOURSELF!... please" he yell it into the darkness of the theater it echo around him.

He has gone back to writing at this point when he heard the same noise for the sixth time "ugh this joke isn't funny anymore SHOW YOURSELF ALREADY!" then he seen it a bat flyed by. He just followed it with his eyes confused of how a bat got into his theatre. He sighed as the bat flew past him again it suddenly flyed to him it was there infrount of him. The bat and Fanto just looked at each other in silence Fantoccio put his hand out "come here little one I'll take you outside" he said with a smile. It landed on his hand and he headed for the door he opened the door and let the bat go. The bat stopped there for a second before bitting Fanto on the hand then it startsed flying away. "Ow what the heck" Fantoccio just stood there with puzzled look on his face before going back inside and putting a plaster on his little wound and he when back to writing.

The next day

"Come on hang out with me Fanto pleaseeeeeees" Billie was beging Fantoccio to hang out with her again.
"I've told you three separate time I have a little headache so no" Fantoccio told her. Billie suddenly grabbed Fantoccio's hand and draged him out the theater "I need to show you something so let's go." Billie say excitedly. "Fine fine show me what ever you wanna show me ugh." Fantoccio say he wasn't really in the mood for this but he had gave up trying to fight with her at this point. "Just let go of me." he pulled Billie's hand off of his and was following her though the dark empty forest.

They hadn't been walking for that long when they reached a different part of the forest it was like nothing Fantoccio had seen before it was full of fresh fruit trees. "Its cool right I found it on accident" Billie excitedly said she ran through the forest leaving Fanto alone. 'Ha typical Billie' he thought to himself he walked slowly through the forest following Billie until his eyes spotted and apple tree. He stood there just starring at the tree he felt so hungry for these apples non of the fruit around him looked quite as good.

He shaked his head and snapped himself out of it he had no idea how long he had been staring at that tree. He ran off to find Billie what he hadn't noticed was a apples core with all the juice sucked out of it.

Vampire fruit batWhere stories live. Discover now