Like a Fish in a Barrel, Shot Through the Heart

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"And I love you.. Very much," Barrel confesses, the pink flushing to his cheeks.

This had been a long time coming. Barrel had looked up to Lockstock, his mentor, for a very long time. Hoping, pleading, that Lockstock was looking down with fondness in his eyes.

Without a single shake in confidence Lockstock resumes, "You can't possibly mean that... say it to me... face to face," and with one solid motion, Lockstock sweeps Barrel into his arms.

Barrels legs wrapped around Lockstocks torso as his arms drape themselves around Lockstocks neck.

Nose to nose, eyes locked in place Barrel confesses, "I love you Lockstock..Very Much."

As Lockstock leans in, seeking to close the distance between them, suddenly they are interrupted!

"And gooooooodnight Officers," sings out Bobby.

"WHAAAAAAAAAA-??" shout out Lockstock and Barrel.

A thousand questions raced their mind, "Bobby?! How is Bobby here we saw him die did we not? Well shit."

Before another thought could cross their minds they were interrupted, "uhhh Donta? Ivan? What are you doing anyway? Alanas about to turn off the lights, rehearsal ended a while ago, and you're not even out of costume," Kieran continues.

"Costume? What costume? And what lights? The street lights? What the absolute fuck is going on?" as these questions raced in their mind Lockstock and Barrel looked into each other's eyes, with one raise of the shoulders. "Well shit, might as well make the best out of a bad time."

With that simple conclusion, Lockstock closes the distance between him and Barrel. Finally finishing the mess they started ready to create a brand new one. Lockstock passes Barrel to Bobby? Kieran? Whatever it didn't matter now. What mattered was what a mess their uniforms were going to be.

With Barrels hands in Kierans' hair and Lockstocks on the small of his back, we fade to black. 

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