7: Target Shot

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Landon's POV-

"Thank you very much for the blankets, Mrs. Creed." I smiled and grabbed the blankets from her hands. Two big comforters and two thinner blankets she brought for us from the cabin.

"Of course. You're very welcome. I'm very sorry to you both about my husband. He's not usually like this," She explains. "He just... has a hard time trusting others. But when you show him proof of your community, I'm sure he'll change his mind."

"You don't need to be sorry. It's completely understandable that Mr. Creed doesn't trust us. I would act the same way if I were him." I said. I turn to Alek and he nods in agreement.

"Yes, well I'll let you both get comfortable now, but before I go, Alek," she turns to him. "Is that true about the cure? Are your doctors really running tests on it?" she asks. I turn to him and this dumbass is looking at me, eyes pleading for help. Jesus, he's so lucky I'm willing to save his ass on this one.

"Yes, Mrs. Creed. They're running tests." I answered for him.

"Oh, that's great to hear!" she puts a hand on her chest. "You don't know what great news that is to hear after all these years of not knowing if there is a small chance of there being a cure and now, there is!" She gleams. Fucking Alek. You idiot! "Alright, I'll let you both rest now. Good night both of you." She gives us both a hug before exiting the tent.

"Good night!" Alek and I wave at her goodbye. I watch to make sure she gets inside the cabin before zipping the tent close. I drop the blankets on the floor and stay standing facing the tent wall, staring down at the floor clenching both my fists.

"Lan-" Alek starts to say before I punch him right in the stomach. He steps back from the impact and puts both hands on his stomach. "What the fuck was that for?!" He shouts.

"For being a fucking idiot that's what! Why would you tell them that there was a cure!? Do you not realize what you've done?!" I shout.

"Shut the fuck up! They'll hear you!" He whispers shouts then exhales. "I had to do it."

"Why? Help me understand why you did what you did." I cross my arms, narrowing my eyes.

He stares at the ground for a second then looks up at me. "I did it for her."

"For Ember?"

"No, for her Mom," he rolls his eyes. "Yes, for Ember!" He turns away and runs a hand through his hair.

"Why would you lie for her?"

"Because I can't lose her again! You of all people should know how much I care about her! I always talk about her to you and you're probably gotten sick of me always talking about her." That's not true. The way he talks about her, makes me feel like I have always known her. "How every day especially on her birthday, it killed me not to know if she was alive or not. That I'll never get to see her again." He continues. "And now, after five years and on her birthday," he laughs "We found her! I found her." He looks down, smiling to himself. "And she looked so fucking beautiful. Her hair, her eyes, everything about her. Just so beautiful."

He's right. She did look beautiful. I've only remembered her with blue hair and baggy clothing so seeing her now five years later, being more sure of herself and with her gorgeous brown- black hair and big brown eyes again, made me remember those feelings I've once felt for her years ago. "She's going to hate you when she finds out you lied." I said.

He looks up at me with widen eyes. "You're not thinking about telling her, are you? Please tell me you're not." I don't answer. "Landon, please. This was the only way."

I shake my head. "There were so many other ways of convincing them. Lying wasn't one of them." I stated. He looks at me like I punched him in the gut again. He should know that lying was going to cost us in the future. Her trust in us, especially in him, will be broken. Her Dad will hate us and most likey kill us, her mother will be heartbroken, it would just all go to complete shit.

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