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Written by Admin Sundew 🐉

CW: This page mentions topics such as kidnapping, break ins, violence, and more. If this is something that triggers you in any way, please click off. Your mental health is more important than a Wattpad fanfiction. <3


Alongside the police investigation going on, I had planned a volunteer search party. On such short notice, I'm surprised so many of my friends could make it.

Quackity, Technoblade, Tommy, Tubbo, Niki, Sapnap, Ranboo, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, and more, along with members of my community had come from all across the country (and world!) to help me search for Y/N.

We had people searching forests, fields, lakes, and abandoned buildings. I got the group of my friends, including George, to come with me on my personal search.

Taking the detectives advice, we made our way to the place where it all started. Down into the woods, to the abandoned house.


We parked our car along the deserted dirt road, our friends in their own cars following suite behind us. The house wasn't too far of a walk from here.

Exiting the cars, we all shuffled together to form a plan of action.

"So, who here's strong and willing to go in first?" Dream asked the group. He raised his hand up along with a few others. Most notably Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Technoblade, and myself.

"Alright. The rest of you, stay behind us as backup. Just in case we find something." I informed, before we all began to make our way up the path.


As we turned the corner to the driveway, something immediately stood out. A white Toyota, sitting right in the driveway. It was definitely not there when we had been the first time.

I held my hand out, signaling for the group to stop. "There shouldn't be a car here." I said warily. "Should we go in there first of call the detective?"

I looked back for reassurance. Sapnap piped up. "Well, we can't just sit around for an hour if Y/N could be in there." He gestured wildly to the house, brow furrowed in a hostility not directed at anyone in the group specifically.

Dream nodded at Sapnap. "I agree. Niki, could you stay outside the house and call the police? Make sure to keep the operator on the line in case of any emergency."

After she agreed, we all stride towards the front door. Dream and Sapnap took the forefront of the pack. "Split up, half at the cellar and half at the house." I instruct.

Our groups quickly split off, making a quick effort to gain entry. Dream and Technoblade take the lead on the cellar, while me and Sapnap get the house.

We braced ourselves, before we began to kick the door in.

Wooo!! Two chapters in one day. With more to come as well. This was beta read but if you find any mistakes or inconsistencies do not hesitate to let me know! All feedback is thoroughly appreciated. Remember to drink some water!! Have a wonderful day! -Admin Sundew🐉

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