•sorry not sorry, sorry•

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A few minutes later aidan fell asleep too..

Next morning (Day 2) 6:00am

Y/n wakes up seeing aidan cuddling her. Y/n was mad and shock but all she did is take of aidan's arm off her, y/n tries to stand up and she did but she feels alot of pain on her wound. Y/n hops to the bathroom and successfully did it. Y/n goes into the bathroom and pee. Y/n goes back to their bedroom exhausted. Y/n sits on their bed and takes the plaster off to see her wound, y/n takes the plaster off and See's blood all over her wound y/n screamed and puts the plaster again. Aidan wakes up from y/n's scream. Aidan See's y/n sitting on their bed, adian goes to her and said "Are you okay?" y/n looks really terrified that she just stares at her knees. Aidan quickly saw y/n's plaster loosen. Aidan gets up and gets the stuff for y/n's wound aidan sits infront of y/n and takes the plaster of gently and slowly y/n looks at the plaster and screams again. Aidan looks at y/n turning her head to the side while her eyes closed. Aidan figured out that y/n was scared of her wound. Aidan quickly grabs some tissues amd cleans the blood off, aidan was a little scared but he didn't really mind it. A few minutes later aidan was done cleaning y/n's wound "it's all done!" aidan said while looking at y/n, y/n looks at her wound and See's a lot of tissues with blood on it y/n slowly looks away while aidan cleans up everything and the tissues and puts it in the trash can. Aidan goes back to y/n "let's go to the doctor shall we?" aidan said with a smile. Y/n nods her head and aidan quickly dresses up in their closet. A few minutes later aidan goes back to y/n "Let's go?" Aidan said y/n nods again "I'll call my secretary" y/n said while getting her phone. Y/n calls her secretary and her secretary immediately answers the call

"Yes miss y/n?" y/n's secretary said
"hi um can you drop us to the hospital?" y/n said while looking at aidan

"Hospital for what miss y/n?" y/n's secretary said. Y/n quickly gives aidan her phone to talk to her secretary aidan takes at y/n and smiles

"Hi umm remember y/n's bathtub thingy? Uh yeah umm we have to go to the doctor. please?" aidan said

"okay" y/n's secretary said. Aidan quickly helps y/n to stand up and they wait at their living room. While they were sitting at their couch aidam saw y/n's eyes with tears "Are you ok?" aidan said with a sad tone, y/n ignores aidan and wipes off her tears. Aidan goes closer to y/n and looks at her face and smiles "C'mon don't cry your wound will get better i promise" aidan said with a smile. Aidan puts his hand on y/n's back and y/n got really mad "Can you give me some room!? Gosh you're so annoying!!" y/n shouted while looking at the opposite side. Aidan got really hurt but hided it and smiles "I'm sorry" aidan said. Aidan backs off a bit and waits for y/n's secretary to come.

30 minutes later (6:40am)

Y/n's secretary arrived at their apartment. Y/n's secretary knocks at their front door and aidan quickly opens it. Aidan smiles at y/n's secretary and looks at y/n. Y/n was just sitting in the couch knowing that she can't walk. Aidan goes to y/n and helps her to stand up. Y/n is still mad at aidan but she can't do anything about it. "Sir aidan your car is here".
Y/n's secretary said, aidan looks at y/n's secretary with confusion "my car? How did you drive my car?" aidan said with a confused tone. "Your father did" Y/n's secretary said

Aidan smiles at y/n's secretary. Aidan Gets out of their apartment turns off all the lights and locks the door. Aidan
Holds y/n's waist to help her not to fall but y/n takes aidan's hand off and grips to her secretary "Can you help me walk?" y/n said to her secretary while aidan looks at y/n with a hurt face. Y/n secretary guides y/n to the parking lot while aidan follows them.

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