chapter one

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(AN: I will change the chapter name when something comes to mind! Also throughout the story Aoi and Kai will be called "Yuu(Aoi)" and "Uke(kai). You will be apart of this story as "Y/N" so just like any other "celeb x reader". I hope you enjoy, as this is my first fanfiction for gazette! Give feed back in the comments!)

Narrator P.O.V:

     You quickly shot up from your bed. The loud ear wrenching sound of your alarm blared, yelling at you to wake you ass up. You glared at it, before slamming your tired fists on the button labeled "off". After finally waking up, you looked at the time and nearly shit your pants, you were TWO hours late! "Shit!" You mumbled to yourself as you jumped out of bed, quickly grabbing some clothes from your closet, and dressed yourself. Then you quickly did your mini makeup routine and left for school in your run down car, that everyone made fun of you for, because you were slightly poorer than the rest of your school

Time Skip:
     You'd finally made it to school, you shut off your car and grabbed your backpack from the passenger side, and rushed into the school. "Professor Shiroyama is definitely going to give me a detention when I'm inside" you groaned, not really wanting a detention. You walked into the classroom, noticing your Professor staring right at you...if looks could kill you'd most definitely be dead. "Y/N where have you been? And why are you late to my class?" He asked while pushing up his glasses. You walked to your desk , setting your bag down next to it. As you didn you noticed he watched you the entire time. "I...uhm...I accidentally overslept sir." Your eyes drifted to the floor as he sighed. "Don't do it anymore, this is your second time doing this Y/N."

     Professor Shiroyama finished his littl3 lecture on the board, he then dismissed everyone...except you. Which is terrifying for you, you didn't know how the others in the school felt for him, as you didn't have any friends. Well you did, but she left the year before for a different school. While you put your school work away, the old man teacher sighed and set his glasses on his desk. "Y/N..." he paused before speaking again. "Y/N, this has been the second time you've been late to school, why's that? What's been happening to my favorite student?" He looked at you and winked with a smirk on his face "shh, don't tell the others" he whispered. You froze from his facial expressions. A deep red blush spread across your face, making you look quite stupid, but yuu(aoi) didn't seem to notice while he was texting someone on his phone and sitting in his desk chair. "P-professor?" He looked up at you from his phone "yes? And please when when school is out call me 'yuu'." He said in a much softer and sweeter tone than what he sounded like when class was in session. "O-oh ok, uhm when do I get to go home?" You asked, gripping the end of your skirt/pants feeling nervous talking to someone you've liked since your first year there. The man in the desk chair kept his eyes on you as he answered your question. "Well the new rule for this class is, every time you miss school, you have to spend your nights in detention for two hours since you've already missed two hours this morning." He said with a straight, but soft facial expression. You tried not to groan as this felt like torture, but on the inside you hated, but also enjoyed seeing your Professor treat you like his lover...or so you thought.

     After another hour at school you started to pick up your belongings off the floor. Professor Shiroyama was doing something, you reached the desk he always sat at and he asked you to help him organize his desk, and so you did. "Y/N I hope you do this more often, I know it sounds bad, but I do have a lot of fun hanging with yo-" Yuu(aoi) was interrupted by a knock on the door, you looked over and through the doors window you seen an unfamiliar man on the other side of the door, waiting to be let in. His hair was all over the place and he had slight bags under his tired eyes. Yuu(aoi) stood up from his desk and let the man in the room. You never learned this man's name as he was Yuu's(aoi's) new assistant, today would be the day you'd learned his name. "You emailed me, what do I need to do for you today Yuu-san?" The man asked while shifting uncomfortably in his white and black striped button-up shirt. Yuu(aoi) closed the door behind the man and swiftly walked back to his desk, where you were still tidying up the rest of the desk. Both men stood next to the desk. The assistant immediately noticed you, but quickly turned his attention back to the professor waiting for an answer. Yuu(aoi) cleared his throat before answering "Uke-san can you please print off tomorrow's lesson?" He asked and showed the assignment supposedly named Uke(kai), which sounded quite cool to you at least. Yuu(aoi) sat in his desk once again typing something you thought could've been the others email. "I'll be sending you the worksheets through email." Uke(kai) nodded and bowed towards the both of you before disappearing out the door.

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