Mementos Mishap

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You couldn't believe your (e/c) eyes. The transfer student known as Amamiya Ren was the leader of the Phantom Thieves all along! His short, soft looking black hair, his silver eyes, his tall and slender figure... there was no mistaking those features. It had to be him! However, he wasn't the only one there. There were more: the daughter of the CEO of Big Bang Burger, the blonde delinquent, Kamoshida's ex and even the student council president? There was also a talking cat and others you didn't recognise. It was quite the team. You had been suspicious of the thief's activity for a while now since Makoto Niijima suddenly started hanging out with him. No one else believed your crazy theory so you decided to follow them one day after school yourself. Being a member of the newspaper club, you knew you had to uncover their secrets, if it was true. The only problem was you didn't expect them to teleport to a creepy looking world! It looked like an abandoned train station but it had red veins like things all over the place. It gave you bad vibes. Just what was this place?

"I just gotta get a snap of their faces then I can get outta here." You whispered to yourself as you shakily raised your camera up to your (s/c) face.

"All ready? Let's go!" The talking cat ran down the escalators in a hurry, with its little legs carrying it along. The rest of the group followed after it.

"Ah, I can't let them get away." You came out from behind the wall and quietly followed after them.

Arriving at the bottom of the escalators, you searched around in a panic. There was no sign of them, anywhere. Where could they have run off to so quickly? All you could see was the platform you were standing on and train tracks beside you, leading into darkness. You could hear sounds coming from within. You didn't want to venture in there but there was nowhere else they could have gone. It must have been them... you hoped. You gulped.

"I gotta do this..." Slowly hopping down onto the tracks, you started to walk into the darkness. You felt like you were in a horror game. You were alone in an abandoned place, surrounded by darkness. The deeper you went, the more you started to regret following them here. Why would they come to a place this scary? Is this where they do the so-called "change of heart?" So many questions were on your mind as you continued venturing deeper. The sounds you heard at the platform suddenly began to get louder. You stopped. "T-that must be them!" You began to run in the direction of the sounds with a smile of relief. You could finally get this damn picture and leave this place, never to come back. That's what you thought. Sadly, it wasn't gonna be that easy. You took a quick picture, with the flash on, to see what was in front of you but immediately regretted it. Your camera fell to the floor. Whatever it was wasn't the Phantom Thieves. You froze in your tracks as you spotted a huge ghastly figure with multiple white masks on its body. "W-what is t-that?" Your teeth started chattering in fear. The creature spotted you as it began to float towards you. You wanted to run, scream, cry but your legs wouldn't move.

"Move... come on. Move, move... MOVE!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, shutting your (e/c) orbs tightly.

"Arsene!" A deep and husky voice yelled from behind as your eyes shot open. You recognised that voice. A dark looking flame suddenly appeared from behind and engulfed the monster. It was gone in an instant. Suddenly, a familiar figure landed right in front of you. It looked like the same outfit that you saw Amamiya wearing earlier.

"You..." He turned around and his eyes instantly caught your attention. This time, it wasn't his usual silver. They were a bloody, bright red that felt like it was piercing right through you. His lips wore a cocky smirk that caused shivers to go down your spine, in a hot way. You felt your cheeks getting hotter. Was this really Amamiya? The same quiet guy in your class? Your vision of him started to go blurry.

"Joker!" Multiple voices called from behind, getting closer to the two of you.

"Jo... ker..." You felt yourself losing consciousness as your body fell. You felt something catch you before you lost consciousness.

You slowly opened your (e/c) orbs to see a familiar silver pair, staring right back at you through his glasses. You felt yourself starting to blush.

"A-Amamiya Ren!" You quickly shot up from where you were lying then realised that you weren't in that creepy place anymore. You were now, in what looked like a dusty old room. There was an old looking couch, a table, an old small tv, shelves, a desk, a healthy looking plant and the bed you were sitting on? Was this... where he lived? Alos, he wasn't in those weird clothes from before, he was back in his school uniform. Was everything a dream? You thought to yourself. As if the black cat was answering your thoughts, it spoke.

"What should we do Ren? She knows our identities, she could tell the whole school." It glared over at you.

"So it wasn't a dream..."


"You really are the-" All of a sudden, Ren reached his arm out towards you, as if he was trying to cover your mouth. You gasped in surprise as you lost balance and fell back onto his bed below. You closed your eyes, preparing for impact. You slowly opened them after hitting the bed to see Ren on top of you. His glasses were nowhere to be seen, it must have fallen off during the fall. As if you weren't blushing enough before, your whole face must have been glowing red right now. He looked even more attractive without them on.

"R-Ren!" The cat had his eyes and mouth wide open in surprise as he fainted in shock. You both continued to gaze into each other's eyes. You gulped.

"So, about you being a Phan-" Ren quickly silenced you with a kiss. You felt the full force of his soft lips pressing against yours and even his tongue forcing its way into your mouth. You didn't know what to do. However, this was something you secretly wanted so you didn't show any signs of resisting. You put your arms around his neck as you just continued to let him take control. He pressed his chest against yours as his tongue danced around, controlling and claiming yours. You tried to take small gasps of breath but he wouldn't let you. He was just dominating. He really didn't want this secret to come out.

After a few minutes of making out, he finally pulled away from you with a smirk. The saliva from your mouths, still connecting both of your tongues together as you panted. Somehow, he was barely panting. He licked his lips, as if he just finished a meal then lifted your chin so you stared into each other's eyes once again.

"Don't try to reveal our identities (Y/N), I'll make sure you don't." His face was still close to yours and his tone was threatening but seductive. It reminded you of when he saved you in that other world, when he called out Arsene... whatever that was. It was pretty hot. You could feel his breath on your face. You silently nodded in reply, your face still red from everything that just happened.

"I-I should go!" You blurted out. Ren got the hint and got up from on top of you. You jumped up and was about to charge out but felt a hand grab your wrist. Your heart skipped a beat as you looked back to see Ren standing there, holding your wrist.

"You forgot your camera." He used his other hand to point at the object on the other side of him, on the bed. He appeared to be his innocent self again. His voice was back to normal too.

"O-oh yeah, thanks." He let go as you swiftly picked up your camera. A little smirk formed on his lips as he saw how flustered you were.

"Don't faint (Y/N) or I'll have to carry you here again." The deep and frisky tone was back. He carried you here? You couldn't stop blushing as you flew down the stairs in a hurry, trying to hide your red face with your camera.

You stopped outside the Leblanc cafe and rested against the wall there. Taking a deep breath, you looked up to Ren's window. As much as you were blushing and rushing to get out, you really enjoyed what happened. You wanted more, you wanted Amamiya Ren. You sighed before going about your way.

"School is about to get interesting."


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