Happy Birthday My Angel.

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"Heaven!!" I was walking my dog & getting the mail, when I hear my best friend in the whole universe scream my name while running up to me.

"Yes Mi--??!" The wind gets knocked out of me when his frame crashes into mine. He picks me up & spins me in the air, I laugh & hold on to him for my life.

"Happy Birthday my angel!" He smiles & my dog Nala started to get excited wagging her tail & barking. Michael put me back down on the ground & I was getting slightly dizzy, but I couldn't stop smiling so hard. He looked at me sweetly & I turned away blushing.

"Thank you so much Michael, but I'm no angel." I pick up Nala to stop her from trying to jump on Michael even though shes the smallest & most cutest thing ever. He pets her head & she starts to wag her tail even more faster than before.

"She's missed you just as much as I did." We start to head to my house & I look through my mail while we walk, I freeze in my tracks & put Nala down.

"Whats that Heaven?" Michael asks concerned. I hand him the envelope & I start to tear up. On my birthday? Why would this happen on my birthday?

He looks at me then continues to open the letter. "Oh my gosh Angel... An eviction notice?" We finally reach my beautiful home that I'll have to give up in 4 days.

"I can't believe this is happening, Where am I gonna live Mikey?" I walked up the front steps & took out my keys from my pocket to unlock the door. Once it was open Nala ran in & drank from her water bowl. I stood still to let Michael in first, but he wouldn't budge.

"Ladies first" he motions for me to walk in first. "Michael this is my house, you are my guest, so get your cute lil butt in here." I say jokingly.

"Nope, you have to go first Princess. Plus, you're the birthday girl and by the way I know my lil butt is cute." I smile as he sticks his tongue out at me like a stubborn child and folds his arms while tapping his foot pretending to wait for me. Then right when I was about to walk in, he walks right in front of me. Hehe, are you serious Michael?...

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