Chapter 2 Markiplier? Whos he?

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The next day you and YF/N went out for breakfast at a place called Coras. When you got there you took your seats and heard a familiar voice.

"Nifty nesting you two here" you looked up and saw the man from last night.

"Oh hi! Want to join us for breakfast?" YF/N asked. You saw two other men with him.

"That'd be great!" He said sitting next to me and his two friends sat next to YF/N.

"Hey" he whispered to me. I looked up at him. He handed me something. "You dropped this last night" he smiled. It was my lucky charm my grandfather gave me. A silver necklace with a cat on it.

"Thanks" you whisper back.

"Hello. I will be your waitress for today. My name is Clearla. What would you folks like to order?"

"Ummmmmm, can I have The Banana Blast please?" YF/N asked

"Well of course" the waitress smiled

"I will have the Berry Night please" The man said

"I will have just yogurt please" I told the waitress

"I'll take the home made pancakes" one of the other men said.

"I'll have the same as him" the third man said.

The waitress walked off and it was just us again.

"So we never caught your guys's names" YF/N said

"well I'm Mark" the man we met last night said. "And these fine gentlemen are my best buds Wade and Bob" he pointed over to them. "Hi" wade said as his voice cracked. "Hello" bob moved his glasses up to his eyes. "And what are you two girls names?" Mark asked

"Well I'm YF/N and this is Y/N" YF/N made a hand gesture towards you and you just looked at your feet.

"Tell me about you guys" YF/M said

"Well we all are youtubers" Mark said "we play video ga-" Mark stopped talking. "Wait" he wiped the smile off his face "you girls don't know who I am?" YF/N shook her head.

"I wasn't allowed electronics at home" you say quietly

"So you have never heard of Markiplier" Wade asked.

"Markiplier? Who's he?" YF/N asked. You pricked up and everyone at the table looked at you.

'Remember, a new start' you said to yourself. "Markiplier? That's an awesome name!!" You say excited. YF/N gave you a smile.


"Hey, how about we all meet up again around 2:30 at the beach near here?" Mark suggested.

"That would be great" YF/N said.

"Cya then!" Mark said walking off. You looked back at Mark as we went our separate ways and noticed Mark was already looking back at you. After making a little eye contact you both spin right back around as fast as you can.


You both are getting your bikinis on. You have a black {push up} bikini with a bow on the top and YF/N has a pink and white checkerboard bikini with a bow also on the top and two on the bottoms.

"You seem different around that Mark dude" YF/N says. You just look down and smile.

"He's different from my father" "or from what I see" your still smiling at the floor.

"Do you have feelings for him?!?!" .YF/N is jumping up and down at this point.

"What? Of course I don't!" Your smile faded.

"Ah Huh" YF/N said sarcastically and began to laugh.


"I think I'm into a girl?" "A girl who's scared of men?" "A girl who doesn't talk much?" "I think I'm into a girl?" I say to Bob

"Mark, are you into Y/N?" BON asks

"Well, I don't know. We just met but she's the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. Her hair is beautiful. Her eyes are beautiful. I've only seen her smile once and that was today, and when she smiled, she was breath taking. And her body man! Oh my god her body is sooooooo hot!" I started to daydreaming. "I could bang that!" Me and Bob Started laughing. Hard.

"Well Mark. Your going to see her in a bathing suit today, remember? We are going to the beach" Bob nudged Me.

"Oh man! Just seeing her today turned me on! What's going to happen when she's in a bathing suit?!" We both start laughing uncontrollably.


Me and YN/F were already at the beach.

"Where are they?" YF/N asks. You were sitting in a baggy shirt kind of moping.

"Why did we need to come to the beach, I mean, we're not going to do anything her anyways" you were Reston your head in your hand.

"Y/N, don't let your insecurities stop you from having fun" YF/N said.

Finally the guys pulled up. 'It was weird, I didn't like being around Bob and Wade but I wasn't scared when I was with Mark. hmmm' you were talking to yourself again.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Mark asked.

"Well you and Y/N, how about you guys go grabbed the towels and shit, I forgot some stuff at the house so Bob and Wade can come with me" YF/N winked at you and you rolled your eyes. Bob knew exactly what she was doing but Wade was a little confused.

"I'll explain it to you in the car" Bob said to Wade. They all got into the car and drove away, leaving me and Mark alone.

There was always silence at first then I asked "so do you want to go find a place?"

"Sure" Mark gave me a smile. We walked for about 5 minutes before we found a spot. After we both say down we started talking.

"So if you don't mind me asking, why are you so timid around guys?" Mark looked into my eyes.

"I don't trust them" you say looking back at the water.

"Why not?" Mark seemed like he was kind of offended.

{you were still wearing your cloths over your bikini}

"Well, um" you began "my father wasn't a very nice guy" you turned to look at Mark "he abused me and my mother. He sexually abused me and he would physically abuse my mother. If I didn't do what he wanted, he would either beat me with a belt" you lifted up the back of your shirt to show scares from the belt. "Or he would take his pocket knife and cut me" you life's up your sleeves to show the cuts all over your arms. "He caused me to feel suicidal and some of these cuts are from myse-" you started tearing up. After you knew it, tears started rolling down your face. Mark pulls you in for a hug and you cry on his shoulder.

"Shh, it's okay, he's not here. I'll keep you safe" Mark says moving his hand up and down on your back. You get up out of Marks grasp and say

"But your different" Mark gives you a puzzled face. "I'm not scared of you, I trust you, I-I don't know why, not to offend you, it's just, I'm timid around every guy but not around you" you wipe the tears from your face. Mark gives you a smile and after a couple minutes, YF/N, Bob and Wade all returned and after a couple hours we started to head home.

"Well I had a really nice time with you guys" Mark said

"Yeah, you too" I spoke up getting a smile from YF/N. You and Mark were getting the towels and shit while Bob, Wade and YF/N walked back to the car.

"Thank you" you say to Mark

"For what?" Mark questions.

"Today, I had a lot of fun" you have him a quick hug and started walking to the car.


'Was that just a friend hug? Probably' I think to myself and get a little disappointed.

And then the world changed               (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now