Chapter 17

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You woke up with a gasp , all sweaty and terrified. Your breathing was heavy as your throat felt dry , tears streamed down your cheeks at the thought of that dream , no a nightmare . A nightmare too real not to believe, a nightmare that made you scared. People are thankful that nightmares don't coincidently occur in reality but they tend to forget that nightmares are dreams too. This night mare increased your worry towards Taehyung, was it a sign?

You chugged a glass of water and looked at Taehyung who was asleep. You started at him while thinking about that nightmare , it felt so real. The way he was injured, the car crash , him calling out your name , everything felt so real. Your heart felt heavy but you knew you couldn't stop him from going because of this nightmare, he'd call you crazy and too annoying for it.

"It was just a nightmare Y/N , just a nightmare and nothing else . Stop overthinking and go to sleep, Taehyung wouldn't get into an accident " You convinced yourself and slept with a uneasy heart.



The morning arrived early than expected, you helped Taehyung wear his suit as no words were shared among the couple. He was probably mad at you for babying him too much but what could you do ? After all you cared for him.

Suddenly Taehyungs phone rang , you picked it up and saw his father's contact. You answered the phone and handed it over to Taehyung.

Jungwon: hello my son how are you?

Taehyung: I'm great dad and you?

Jungwon: better than ever my boy , I called you to tell you something.

Taehyung: and what is it appa?

Jungwon: I'll be accompanying you for your business trip as Jimin is sick. Your mother was slightly worried about you so I had to step up.

Taehyung: Appa it's okay, I can manage on my own besides your health is not good so you need to rest.

Jungwon: Son you know how your mother is , we can't decline it .

Taehyung: Fine appa, I'll pick you up.

Jungwon: okay then I'll hang up bye.

Taehyung: bye appa.

As their conversation was done, you were tying his tie.

"What was the call about? You asked him.

"Appa is accompanying me for the business trip because eomma is worried about me" He told you as you signed with relief.

Thank God atleast he's not alone .

You finished with his tie and patted his hard broad chest , you handed him his briefcase as Sam took his luggage downstairs . You guided him by holding his hands and made him sit in the car.

"Have a safe trip , make sure to eat enough food , get enough rest and take care okay? You caressed his cheeks while he nodded.

"And I'm sorry for babying you, I was just really worried about you . I hope you can forgive me" You added on.

"Its okay , you shouldn't be apologizing I understand you Y/N . Also you too take care , I'll be back in a week" He reassured you.

As the couple bid their goodbyes, the driver drove off to Jungwons house. There they picked him and made their way to the airport. The drive was silent as the grave  . You on the other hand still had that uneasy feeling, you couldn't focus on eating either. You prayed to God , hoping that Taehyung would be safe and sound.

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