8 : Jab 'They' Met

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"What ?!!" Ganga exclaimed and cleaned her ears dramatically to check whether she had heard anything wrong..

"Yes it's really missing..." Shakti almost jumped up from the bed and dragged ganga out of the bed and immediately left the room...

" Come on yaa.... quick gangu ...oh god where the hell it has gone.." shakti said to ganga in a husky voice ,not to disturb other's sleep because she didn't want others to know that... And above all , they'll blame her.
she started to check on the floor of the hall, where the party was held, using the flashlight of her phone ...

" How can you become such a careless chinki...it's your engagement ring....!!" Ganga added fuel to the fire..

" Shut up ganga ....and help me to search.." shakti said and they proceeded with the checking....but unfortunately they found nothing...
While in Bharadwaj mansion,
Arjun again got confused as he saw the same eyes again infront of him , but in his laptop screen ,in the form of his character draupadi... remembering her eyes, he suspected that again his another character is alive and that girl he met was his character....

Again Arjun's mind ran through those incidents which was happening with him from yesterday ..he shut his laptop and leaned onto the head board of the bed..he looked at other side to see krishna and darshan sleeping soundly...
He sighed in relief thinking that tomorrow they will shift to their apartment and will be free from those tensions....
Next day,
Arjun, krishna, Darshan and lakshmi packed their stuffs and came down with their luggages....the car is already waiting....

" Bye aunty...and thankyou.." arjun said , hugging preetha... while hugging her, he felt the same feeling when he hugged his mother, before coming to India..

" Why thankyou..you all are my children just like Yuvan ,naksh and dev..do come again ..ok" preetha said ...he smiled and went to bhushan to take his blessings...

Lakshmi, krishna and darshan too bid goodbye to them ... before leaving, naksh dragged arjun to a corner and said
" Bhai.. there's a party tonight. Only for us to enjoy.... All of you please come and yeah don't tell mom..ok?"
At First , arjun refused and then Naksh made a puppy face and arjun couldn't control his chuckle....and finally he agreed thinking that it helps to relax their minds too....

" Ok..I won't and we'll come.." Arjun assured..

Soon They bid goodbye to Bhardwaj mansion and after a 20 minutes of travel, they reached the apartment...
The entered inside to see the apartment was already well furnished and also a maid and servant was also there to help them....
At evening,
As promised, arjun, krishna Darshan and lakshmi got ready for the party...arjun was the one who is least interested in this party...but now he is in india,he has no work pressure here as much as he had in America..so he just decided to enjoy.....
Arjun wore his blue denim jacket over his white t-shirt...he looked himself in the mirror..he knew that he was definitely not in an outfit for a party...but still he is least bothered about it...

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