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third person.

"do i really have to go with him?" haeri asked her mother, irritated after knowing that she was going with her brother to school.

"yes, my love. he knows a lot of students there already and the whole school, so you'll be safe with him." she answered. "duh! because he's been schooling there for like, what? he's entire high school life!" her mother just rolled her eyes and laughed at how whiny her daughter has become.

"you know that i can hear you." hyunjin came in, glaring at her.

haeri never wanted to be somewhere where her family is known. she's tired of all the "hey, aren't you mrs. hwang's daughter?" and stuff. "like bro, leave me alone" she mumbled.

"good. because i wanted you to hear that." haeri yelled.

the siblings were not in good terms. ever since hyunjin never kept his promise to come back to la, they didn't have the chance to contact each other. and when they did, haeri kept on pushing him away. hyunjin thought that she'll forget about it and would be okay after, but she never did. that's when he knew that haeri holds grudges with people.

hyunjin is 2 years older than haeri. he's not mad at her or anything, instead, he feels bad that he didn't get the chance to be a big brother to her. he had to stay with their father because he doesn't want him to feel alone. their father explained it to him but he insisted. what he didn't think about was haeri. selfish. for haeri, she was selfish to want her brother to stay with them.

the two were still bickering, and their mother had enough.

"please stop it already. haeri, just please go with your brother. i thought that's what you wanted, to see your brother again."

"okay, fine! i'll go with him." she gave up.

"ah, so you do miss me?" hyunjin couldn't help but to grin. he had a little hope that she does miss him.

haeri only passed him by. "hurry, we'll be late." even if it was very early.

since the school is near their village, they decided to just walk to school. it was quiet. hyunjin wanted to say something, but he thought that haeri was in a bad mood. she was behind hyunjin, just following him.

haeri came home two months ago from la. she thought that it'll just be another vacation, but she didn't know that she'd be staying here already.

they arrived and stopped in front of the gate for a bit, "there's a bulletin board near the first building you'll see, you'll find your schedule there. just take a photo of it. i'll go first, i know you don't want anyone seeing us together." before haeri could even say anything, hyunjin already left. she sighed. lucky for her, it was still very early so no one saw them together.


i went straight to the building hyunjin told me and i saw another student there. i think he is also new here.

i searched for my section and when i found it, he also did.

"oh, sorry! go on, take a photo of it first." he said. i smiled and thanked him. he kind of looks like he's the type to make fun and tease people.

i quickly took a photo, and he then took a photo too.

"we have the same class, want to go together? i'm jeongin by the way." he introduced. he put his hand out and so i shook his hand.

"haeri. sure, let's go together." he gave me a smile. that was cute. he's not my type though. what am i even thinking? i'm not here to find love for pete's sake.

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