Part 94

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"Lets play our national game now" said Mukti as the others looked at her

"Okayyy, I will go bring a bottle" said Manik as he got up and grabbed a bottle from the bar counter.

The bottle was spinned and it stopped on Dhruv

"So Dhruvvv, truth or dare?" asked Mukti

"Truth Mukti , always" said Dhruv

"Confess Dhruv, where were you and Alya last weekend?" asked Cabir

"Umm" Dhruv looked at Alya who gestured him to tell it

"I proposed Alya last weekend and we are together" revealed Dhruv

"Wohoo, that's some news" said Mukti

The bottle then stopped on Mukti

"Truth or dare Mukti?"

"For a change,truth" said Mukti

"Mukti, what do you feel for Abhimanyu?" asked Alya. It was evident to all of them and Manik even knew about it as Mukti had called him home to talk to him about it

"Guyss, I do feel something for him but he does not, he is into someone soo"

"What? Abhimanyu is in a relationship?" asked Cabir

"I don't know but I saw him with someone in a cafe" said Mukti. Manik side hugged her and she smiled a little.

The game continued with truths and dates and drinks. It always felt good when they were together like this.

It was 4 in the morning when Manik and Cabir entered the house half in sleep. They were really tired.

Manik crept into his room slowly making sure not to disturb Nandini's sleep but to his surprise, his wife was up and working on the table. She had her hair tied up in a bun and she was visibly tired but concentrated and into her work, reason why she did not even get to know Manik entering the room. He put off his blazer and threw it on the bed making some noise. Nandini turned around to look at him .

"When did you come Manik?" asked Nandini getting up from her chair.

"Just a minute ago" said Manik smiling at her as she approached him

"What are you upto so early in the morning?" asked Manik pointing towards her messy table

"Vo it's a critical case, a delivery of a lady in her 60s, complications and all so thought of going through the case file again" said Nandini . Her voice was dull and Manik knew she was tired and he was too. But he knew exactly what Nandini needed.

"Okay continue, I will just come" said Manik leaving Nandini confused but she was too busy to ponder over that . Returning to her chair,she continued working.
She heard Manik coming out of the washroom and then leaving the room,for god knows what. After 10-15 minutes, she heard the knob open again. What was this boy upto, she thought and turned around to see Manik standing beside her with a cup of coffee and his lovely smile which made her smile in reflex.

"This was not needed Manik" said Nandini taking the cup from his hands

"Ofcourse it was,now you work and tell me if you need anything" said Manik kissing her forehead . He then went in the bed and in no time, he dozed off. After an hour or two, Nandini was done and she saw the time as 6. She saw Manik sleeping soundly but she was not sleepy. This was a habit she has come used to now, no matter how much late she sleeps , she would never feel sleepy early in the morning. That's what you call the doctors' life probably.

She decided to freshen up and leave for the hospital. Taking her outfit from the cupboard, she went in the washroom. By the time she was ready it was 7 already . Packing up her files in her handbag, she was all ready to go but not before leaving a message for Manik.

No one was up in the house except the servants who were working, some in the garden while a few cleaning and washing. She informed one of them to tell Nyonika that she has left and also that she will return before 2 in the afternoon.

Nandini was in the operation theatre and here in the mansion, Manik got up at 10. He had an idea that Nandini would leave early so he was not surprised but the note beside him on the side table was the best start for his day. Smiling, he too got ready and decided to work from home. There was not much work today and it could be managed. Besides, he was still not over the last night.

"Good morning Manik,
I am leaving and because you were so late last night, not waking you up. Try to come early today please or I will be bored at home, would be back before 2.
I love you"

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