Part 1 (Fluff)

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AN: Tavros here! I wrote this story, it's pretty short but it's pretty sweet and it's from my pov so, enjoy!

I gently twirled his hair between my fingers, the strands weaving in my hand, only to bounce back to it's original position once I let them go. I always enjoyed playing with his hair. It's so soft, like a dark silk made just for my finger tips. I can't help it, his hair is so perfect.

I took in his scent, the smell of whatever the hell kind of weed he'd smoked earlier making it all the more comforting. It's so nice, feeling his heart beat against mine, his warmth radiating onto me, his weight comforting me like a blanket as he laid so peacefully on top of me

It wasn't long before he started to stir awake, lifting his head to look up at me, his sleepy eyes falling on mine.. His eyes..

Gods his eyes.. They're beautiful. I couldn't help the grin that stretched across my face, a chuckle escaping my chest as he groggily rubbed his eye, yawning the sleep away.

"How long was I out?" His voice was groggy, cracking a bit as he spoke. I considered answering his question, but instead opted to just plant a kiss on his forehead, gently brushing his hair away with a hand to make room for it.

Gamzee scrunched up his nose in annoyance, "Tavros.."

"Pfff, I can't help it, you're so cute.." I moved to give him another peck, but he pushed my face away, giggling as I fought back, pressing my cheek against his hand.

"Tav.. I just woke up, give me a minute will ya?" He said lightheartedly, his other hand reaching up to one of my horns to direct my face away from him.

"Awee.. But I wannaaaa I missed you while you were sleeping.." I continued to make kissy noises, giggling as he wrestled his way to a sitting position, straddling me as he held both my horns to keep my head in place.

"It's not fair, now I need to give you one." He leaned forward, placing a kiss of his own on the top of my head. I let out a snort as I laughed.

"You're such a dork.." I pushed my head forward, breaking his balance and knocking him off me, an exaggerated 'oof' escaping him as he fell off the couch to the floor.

"Look what you've done, you've killed me!" He called up dramatically, raising his arms up before dropping them back down to his sides.

I sat up, chuckling under my breath as I looked down at him, shit eating grin on my face as I watched his li'l performance. He squinted at me, scrunching his nose up again.

"You're such a sadist Tav."

"I know." I leaned down ruffling his hair, earning an annoyed huff from him. "You hungry?" I asked as I stood up, stretching back into shape.

He didn't answer, instead he pouted, crossing his arms.

"Suit yourself, I'm making spaghetti." I walked towards the kitchen, hearing him shuffle behind me, and quick footsteps following after.

"Wait I want spaghetti!" I couldn't help letting a laugh escape me.

"Alright, I'll make some for you too." He came up behind me as I opened the cupboard, reaching up to grab the noodles. I felt his gentle arms wrap around me, squeezing me ever so gently as he pressed his face into my back, his horns kind of poking into me, but I didn't mind.

"Do you wanna help?"

He nodded, letting out a sleepy 'Mm' as I reached over my shoulder to pat his head. "Alright, you can help, I get to pick the music we listen to while we cook though, okay?"

He squeezed his arms around me a little more, letting out a sigh. "Mm.. Deal.."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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