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He could not rember any thing but a bag being thrown over his head and then being thrown on the ground, and being nocked out now he was just waking up. When he woke up his mouth was gaged and he was tied next to a person, a girl, who looks like Charlene. It is Charlene her head was bleeding, she was hurt he needed to find help he was hanging over something but what. Well, Well, Well looked what the Monkey dragged in. Malfacient what does she want. He broke her gag and shouted "let us go". "Why if I get what I want we will all be happy, but not you this is just a trap to get them here so I can finish you all off at the same time."well it won't happen because three Random figures who are probly on our aid to defeat you." Just then Charlene woke up crying her gag still on. Just then the floor open up to reveal lava the rope stated to lower until they were five feet above it. Just then the door opened coming in was the rest of the five and the three figures, one of the three figures pulled out a stick and said a spell an malficent was stunned she fell. Finn got Philby and Charlene to safety. "Thanks finn" said Charlene. As they introduce each other
Ron said "what do we do with this thing pointing at maleficent." "We need to tie her up but when they looked back she was gone." "We need too prepare for a attack" Harry said we know the regular Disney character will help us."

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