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Lina POV:

I awoke to the sound of something shattering. I amediatly got up and walked towards the sound. I walked in and I saw Damon, but he was tied up to a chair.

" Damon! What is going on?" 

" I need to tell you something" he said a worried look in his eyes.

" You cannot panic, I'm a vampire." he said way to calm.

" Your joking right?"

" Nope."

What no way, but he would not lie to me though. 

" Listen to me you need to run." he said fear in his voice.

Damon POV:

I had broke the news to her so quickly, I really hoped she would take it good and she was. She really needed to run though, Stefan was going insane. It was to late though. 

" Well I am so glad you stopped by, now you can watch me slowly kill him." Stefan said with cruelty and sincerity in his voice.

All I heard was a ear shattering scream, and he vamped her across the room and within a second she was tied up and gagged.

" Brother now let's not be hastey." I said, I was completely terrified but I did not show it.

" Lets see, I want it to be slow and painful so let's begin."

Then he vamped across the room and in a second he was taking my ring off. I had never taken it off, so it felt wierd, but I knew what was going to come next.

I am who I am (Damon Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now