Taking Effect

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      "Awww, Kacchan-"
"Don't say it."
"It's so..."
"Shut up!"
      Izuku couldn't help but squeal.  Bakugou snarled, baring his teeth and staring angrily at the floor. 

      "I thought I told you to shut up!"
Bakugou didn't accept endearments of any kind even on a good day, and today... was not a good day.

      Sure, they were used to long days and the intensive schedule pro heroes had.  The day wasn't bad because of the fights, more so the aftermath of one specific villain's quirk.  It didn't even seem like a particularly dangerous power, more so just inconveniencing Bakugou during battle instead of harming him.  Back at home though, there was no way to ignore the changes.

      There were two pointed, fluffy ears sticking out of the tufts of Kacchan's hair, akin to those of a small dog.  Izuku could see his teeth as he growled, canines longer and slightly pointed.  Most damning of all though was the tail.  Long, slightly curled, and the same texture and color as the ashy brown ears on his head.  Right now, it was down turned and stiff between his legs, his anger making it twitch rather than wag. 

      "What kind of quirk even is this?! Clearly wasn't useful in battle, I still kicked their ass," Bakugou grumbled, running a hand through his hair and sighing.  "Yeah, I'm not sure why they thought that would stop you," Izuku agreed, stepping around his boyfriend in a circle to inspect his new features.  Bakugou defensively turned along with him, preventing him from getting a better look.  "The hell do you think you're doing?" He growled, hands balled into fists at his sides.  "I'm just looking! We don't know anything about this quirk, now let me look," Izuku said calmly, too calmly in Kacchan's opinion.  He grabbed his notebook and flipped to a blank page, scribbling wildly as he looked Bakugou over.  He could feel his ears flatten against his head as he grew self conscious.  "I'm not a fucking lab rat, stop taking notes Deku." he growled. 

      Izuku snorted at the absurdity of the situation, just barely masking it with a cough before Kacchan yelled at him for laughing.  "I'm just trying to help, now hold still" he instructed firmly, reaching toward's Bakugou's ears.  He snarled again, lunging and attempting to nip at Izuku's fingers, who luckily retracted in time.  "Calm down! Come on, who's a good boy?" Izuku chuckled, tugging Kacchan's hair softly away from the base of his ears to get a closer look.  "I'm a good boy!" He blurted out suddenly, his tail giving a couple sways before it stilled again.  Bakugou looked confused, still angry of course, but very perplexed.  "The fuck?" He wondered out loud, sounding a little scared.  Izuku cleared his throat, before resuming to look over Bakugou without another word. 

      After jotting down a few more details, he spoke again.  "Okay, so I've got the ears, tail, teeth, and claws. Are there any other changes? How do you feel?" He asked, Bakugou sitting down on their couch with a huff.  "Fuckin' humiliated," he grumbled, arms folded across his chest.  "I'm sorry, Kacchan, but it'll be okay.  We'll figure it out.  So..." he responded, leaving room for Bakugou to answer his question.  "My sense of smell seems stronger, and I guess there are some... impulses" he muttered, readjusting his position to account for his tail.  Izuku kept quiet and waited for him to elaborate. 

      "I feel the urge to be... Jesus Christ this is stupid- to be obedient? I guess that's what happened earlier when you called me... yeah." He said, his face a fiery red color.  His ears flicked in annoyance.  Izuku nodded thoughtfully, clicking his pen a few times before writing again.  "Okay, anything else?" He pried again.  "No!" Bakugou snapped, another quiet growl rumbling from his throat.  "That's fine, it's... it's okay.  I'll do some more research, you just relax, alright?" He said, retrieving his laptop and settling in on the couch next to him.  Kacchan grumbled to himself some more as he sank further into the couch cushions. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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