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Dr. Marie snarled. Even in the darkness, she hit the soldier who spoke so hard he fell to the ground.

"Fools!" She crowed as the red emergency lights flashed on.

Then, after gathering herself, she turned to her guests.

"Not to worry," she spoke. "This happens from time to time. That pesky will power all beings seem to have and all that." She laughed.

"Of course." Junjie growled, playing the part of a goon-controlled slinger.

Turning back to her soldiers, Dr. Marie hissed out the orders "Find Her."

The soldiers ran out of the room, bumping into the team as they went. Apparently, they were more afraid of Marie than them.

"I have 2 spare rooms for you." Dr. Marie said as she turned back to the Shane Gang. "Well, they are holding cells...for experiments...but they have beds. But only two in each."

Overseeing her guests, the doctor stood in thought for a moment before nodding her head.

"Yes, and the food," with a pointed looked at Pronto. "Can sleep on the floor."

"Food? What food?" Pronto looked around hungrily.


It was decided Junjie, Kord, and Pronto would take one room, Eli and Trixe the other.

Unfortunately, the rooms were placed on opposite sides of the compounds from each other.

Junjie sighed as he settled on his bunk. It was small and built into the metallic wall.

"Man, this place gives me the creeps." Kord said as he paced the room. "Especially with that mad scientist's monster running around."

"From the sounds of it, this "monster" is sentient." Junjie pointed out. "She may need help."

"Well, if it is a truly misunderstood monster, Pronto is here to save it." Pronto proclaimed.

Kord and Junjie shared a look.

"I'll watch him." Kord sighed.


In the other room, Trixie and Eli got ready to go on a monster hunt.

"Remember, we might be able to talk this thing down." Eli reminded.

"Yeah, but we also gotta be ready for a fight." Trixie said. "But I really hope it doesn't come to that. It sounds like this poor thing was caught and tortured."

Eli nodded as they snuck out of their room. While the doctor hadn't forbidden them from leaving their rooms, she would defiantly give them chaperones if she knew they were sneaking around.

"I wish we could've planned with the others first." Eli whispered, and Burpy gave a trill of agreement.

"Yeah, but we have to work with what we got. Which right now is darkened hallways and an escaped experiment on the loose." Trixie responded.

For a while, the two, plus their slugs, traveled in silence, and didn't run into any monster hunting soldiers.

"Kinda weird we haven't run into any soldiers yet." Trixie commented.

"Yeah. I wonder if the experiment got th--" He was silenced by a sound of running footsteps from behind them.

Whipping around, the two aimed their blasters.

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