Sleepover! (ch.1)

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Junior was on the couch waiting for his friends to arrive like always because he's a fuckboy/j. He then heard the doorbell ring. "That must be my friends, Joseph and Cody!!" He ran to the door and opened it.

"Hey Cody and... Joseph? Where's Joseph?" Only Cody was at the door. "Oh um, he texted me at the last minute saying he was sick. Yeah..." Cody said nervously. "You're acting kinda sus but okay..." Junior said worried. Usually both of them would be at the door. "Well you wanna come inside Cody?" "Please."

They went to the couch. "So what do you wanna do Cody?" "Oh what? Whatever you wanna do I guess." "You're acting weird but you wanna make out? Haha." "Junior! We don't do that until chapter 69!!" "Oh you're right! Sorry, I forgot. Um, you wanna watch TV?" "No, we always do that. Hey for the plot to be actually good maybe we should take a walk outside." "Oh, okay!!"

So they took a walk outside because they're gay. "Ooh it's very pretty outside!!" Junior said excitingly. "Oh yeah, I guess it is." Cody said gayly.

Cody's Pov:

Phew, that was a close one, I can't have Junior knowing I that I threatened Joseph to not come over so I could hang out with Junior all day. Maybe we'll even have a sleepover if im lucky! Even though we obviously will for the plot. But me or junior don't know about it yet so I should just stop talking and go back to Junior's pov.

Juniors pov: (again)

Cody's been acting really weird today. Is he okay? Maybe I should ask him, "Hey Cody?" "Yeah?" "What's going on? Why have you been acting really weird today?" "...Um... I-it's nothing Junior!" "Don't lie to me, there's obviously something wrong with you." "Can we just... change the subject." Cody said annoyed now. "Whatever nerd." They continued walking in silence. Until Junior broke the silence.

"Hey, maybe we should visit Joseph and make sure he's o-" "NO!- I mean, he's probably too sick, and um, we don't wanna get sick right? Plus, he probably doesn't wanna see us right now." Cody interrupted "Wait I just realized! He's homeless and has no money so he can't buy medicine!" "Um, while it's probably just some little cold and he'll get better tomorrow!" "You still need medicine for a cold Cody. Are you that dumb?" Junior said irritated. "No! I'm just say that he'll m-maybe get better tomorrow..." Cody said nervously. "Whatever nerd, let's just go back in my house and do something there" "Oh thank God.." Cody muttered. "What was that?" "N-nothing!!"

When they got inside -

"So what do you wanna do Cody" junior asked. "I don't really care." "Well it's getting late, you should get home." Junior said. "NO! We should have a sleepover! Just the two of us!" Cody smiled. "Are you sure your parents would like that?" Junior asked worried. "Mhm!" "Oh well, sure Cody! My dad doesn't care what I do anyways." "Great! W-we should um, go in your room and do something in there." "Okay!!"

When they got into Junior's room -

"We should make ou- I mean uh... Watch things?? Junior said. "Like what?" "Oooo like Moral Orel because I love that show sm silly little show honestly might even make a whole paragraph on Moral Orel since I need this stupid story to be longer than 600 words for plot purposes & I have no ideas for this stupid story because I'm coming back to this story after like a year or two oh wait I forgot junior was talking- I mean- I was talking. Omg I hate this story sm why did I decide to write this a year ago omg help me idek what I'm writing rn I'm a continuous state of just writing things I can't breathe help this writing is consuming me I can't stop typing why did I decide to do this. Haha anyways!! For any moral orel fans out there hello ily guys platonically ofc, also I kin Orel, Nurse Bendy, Doughy, & Joe if you don't know this show it's best you don't know why I kin most of them😇 except Joe because I really only kin him for his very cool personality. Anyways Orel is my highest Moral Orel kin mostly because of the last two episodes of s2 and all of s3, again, if you don't know MO please don't ask why, it's best you don't know. oh yeah I also kin doughy mostly because of his goofy parents who I hate. Oh and Nurse Bendy because um... Do I really need an explanation??🤣 Jesus this paragraph is so long I'm so sorry😞🙏 you can skip if you like even though it's too late because I'm almost done. Actually I am done okay bye forever😍." "Um... Okay??"

After the sleepover because I'm lazy

When Cody went home, junior laid down in his bed thinking. Do i really love Cody? No! I'm not gay! I hate him!! This sleepover was pretty fun tho... Wait no! What am I saying?! I don't like him!! He's gay... I hate gay people! Right?...

Word count: 906

Hello, Swiper here! Hope you enjoyed this story :) keep in mind this story is /hj so most of it is a joke!! Anyways, signing off. Goodbye for now :)

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